Planets in Astrology|Planets in Houses in Astrology

Mars in 8th House in Astrology

Mars in 8th House in Astrology

Mars in 8th house in Astrology can give a long life, gains through manufacturing business, medical business, police force, and communication

The 8th house is representative of sudden events, sudden accidents, sudden happiness, sadness, injuries, profits or losses. The eighth house is also the house of death and rebirth.  It is representative of losses in terms of loss of health, finance or job, secrecy, hidden dealings, relationship with in-laws, after marriage assets.


  • Mars in the eighth house can cause accidents and injuries. The natives get injuries like cuts, scratches, burns, sports injuries or get involved in car accidents.
  • The native can be a healer, doctor (ER doctor) or engineer. He projects dominance in his voice and personality, which could lead him to be an influential speaker or a famous dramatic actor.
  • The native of Mars in the eighth house projects dominance in relationship with his in-laws or gets into arguments with them. Also, since Mars looks at the seventh house, the house of gains, the native gains after marriage, in business and from secret assets.
  • However, when Mars in the eighth house is debilitated, it deals with secrecy and hidden dealings through which natives can be involved in tax evasion or drug dealing business. The native can also be influenced to work in the adult industry or as a sex worker as he will be addicted or influenced by negative people in his network or friend circle. Hence, the native should be careful about his friends and colleagues as they will be the biggest source of negative impact on him.
  • Mars, when aspects the second house, might lead the native into the indulgence of drug or substance abuse. Similarly, when Mars looks at the third house, it signifies gains from the siblings, career in media and gives the native a lot of courage.

Mars in 8th House in Astrology

What does the 8th House signify in Astrology ?

The 8th House rules the death and rebirth of a person or how one rises after a great fall in their life. This house also shows money through in-laws and friends as loans from them. Financial loans for home or business is also shown from this house.

Deep-rooted issues of one’s life and one’s interests or lack of interests in the mystical world such as astrology, magic, tantric practices, and ghosts are shown from this house. 8th house also represents the life span of a person. This is simply the house of the occult.

Government taxes, spies, and business-related to secret government dealings are seen from the 8th house. The 8th house is a death-inflicting house (Marka House), as the 8th house deals with things buried deep beneath the earth.

Physically, the 8th House corresponds to the lowest part of the trunk, the genitals, anus, and the eliminatory system. Scorpio corresponds to the 8th house and adds the signification of sudden calamities.

What does Mars represent in Astrology?

Mars is like a soldier who stands for his beliefs. Wherever it is placed in your horoscope, you stand for those beliefs, and that’s where your energy goes. Mars is energy. It’s your willpower and vitality. Mars represents your ability to take action towards something. It also represents the anger we carry within us, as a soldier needs to have a certain level of anger within him to fight and win the battle. Mars represents policemen, soldiers, athletes, warlords, arms dealers, and fighters. Moreover, Mars also relates to accidents, injuries, and dealing with explosives.

Mars in Astrology represents energy, assertiveness, and the ability to take action. It represents the way one uses energy on different levels. In the social sphere, Mars represents those relationships that test one’s strength, such as those of competitors and enemies. The condition of Mars in an individual horoscope will indicate the level of one’s energy and ambition.

Auspicious Results of Mars in 8th House in Astrology

  • One will wear simple clothes.
  • One may be an expert in valuing precious jewels and stones.
  • One with Mars in the 8th house will have wealth in terms of gold and silver.
  • One will be a good examiner.
  • One may take many bribes if one is an officer but may not be caught.
  • Death does not come soon.
  • One will enjoy a long life.

Mars in 8th House in Vedic Astrology

Inauspicious Results of Mars in 8th House in Astrology

  • Mars in the 8th house does not give auspicious results.
  • One’s work remains incomplete.
  • There will be obstacles at work.
  • Despite many efforts and hard work, desires are not fulfilled, and obstacles cause hardships.
  • One might be foolish, harsh in language, scared of fire and lacking talents.
  • One will speak mindlessly and imprudently.
  • One may be heartless, harbour bad thoughts, and criticise people a lot.
  • One may have a bad character.
  • One may be ugly with bad eyes.
  • One may be inclined towards bad deeds.
  • One will criticise good people.
  • One will have bad habits and may consume wine and liquor.
  • One may suffer from multiple ailments, which may become acute because they do not respond to treatment.
  • One will eat a lot. This habit may persist for 30 years.
  • One will suffer indigestion, malaria, gastric trouble, and fluctuating blood pressure in one’s later age.
  • One may have a lean physique due to deformities.
  • One may suffer blood ailments.
  • One may suffer eye ailments, etc.
  • One may be poor and worried about his lack of wealth.
  • One’s brothers and friends are like enemies.
  • One will be deprived of the happiness of relatives.
  • One may lack the bliss of a spouse.
  • One’s spouse will give him trouble and will also suffer hardships.
  • The son will be anxiety-prone.
  • One’s father will suffer harm.
  • One may die due to weapons, gangrene, or burning.
  • One may die due to the ammunition powder of a gun.
  • There will be few children.

Note: The degree of auspiciousness and inauspiciousness will depend upon a complete analysis of the horoscope (birth-chart).

Mars in 8th House for Various Ascendants in Astrology

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