Planets in Astrology|Planets in Houses in Astrology

Mars in 6th House in Astrology

Mars in 6th House in Astrology

The sixth house represents enemies, competition in the workplace or life. The sixth house is a house of diseases, debts, mortgage loans, relationships with siblings, and it signifies the native’s friend circle. The sixth house is a crucial placement for Mars as it represents a battleground for the native.

Mars in 6th house in Astrology is a courageous place. Mars makes one a fighter and a destroyer of enemies and this is also a good place for becoming a doctor, nurse, or going into the medical field.

Significance and Characteristics of Mars in 6th House in Astrology

  • The sixth house is the important placement for Mars as Mars has the energy of a soldier or a warrior and the sixth house is a battleground for it to achieve and compete for everything in life. Mars in the sixth house represents the competition of natives with himself.
  • The native of  Mars in the sixth house can get argumentative, competitive and focused on justice. This implies native could be a lawyer, soldier, policeman, athlete, surgeon or doctor. The native battles for every relationship and work in his life with this position of Mars. The competitive practices help the native to achieve wins in his life.
  • Although, if Mars is debilitated, the native could go from fighting justice to facing the justice as Mars aspects the twelfth house, which is represented by isolated places, which could mean the native could be placed in jail for breaking the law. Also, The native should be extremely careful about his friend circle at the age of 10-18.
  • When mars aspect the ninth house, the native usually formulates his own rules and beliefs regarding law and religion, or they can get into heated arguments with their gurus and father. Moreover, when Mars, when aspects the seventh house, it signifies the cure of diseases.

Mars in 6th House in Astrology

What does the 6th House signify in Astrology ?

The 6th house deals with enemies, diseases of the body, everyday work life, and relationship with co-workers. This is the house of debt, obstacles, warzone, fighting, litigation, and divorce.

In the 6th House, we build a social structure through the school environment, and we are likely to make friends and enemies. The 6th House represents the enemies, and enemies bring worries and anxieties. The sixth house represents service, detailed work, problem-solving, and making a medical diagnosis. Virgo corresponds to the sixth House.

What does Mars represent in Astrology ?

Mars is like a soldier who stands for his beliefs. Wherever it is placed in your horoscope, you stand for those beliefs, and that’s where your energy goes. Mars is energy. It’s your willpower and vitality. Mars represents your ability to take action towards something. It also represents the anger we carry within us, as a soldier needs to have a certain level of anger within him to fight and win the battle. Mars represents policemen, soldiers, athletes, warlords, arms dealers, and fighters. Moreover, Mars also relates to accidents, injuries, and dealing with explosives.

Mars in Astrology represents energy, assertiveness, and the ability to take action. It represents the way one uses energy on different levels. In the social sphere, Mars represents those relationships that test one’s strength, such as those of competitors and enemies. The condition of Mars in an individual horoscope will indicate the level of one’s energy and ambition. The type of welcome bonus (for sports betting or for casino) is chosen during registration. The bonus is only available to players from India, Bangladesh. bet andreas The company has provided an app for Android and iOS. The algorithms for downloading the application are slightly different.

Auspicious Results of Mars in 6th House in Astrology

  • One is wealthy and a destroyer of enemies.
  • One brings fame to one’s family.
  • One will be brave, victorious, and the slayer of one’s foes.
  • Mars in the sixth house makes a person thoughtful, prudent, and happy.
  • One’s wealth may be destroyed, but it is regained again.
  • One’s maternal uncle may fear poison, fire, and weapons.
  • One will appreciate people and be the best in his family.
  • One will be religious and in the company of good people.
  • One will be victorious over enemies and a slayer of foes.
  • One will be wealthy, prosperous, famous, and strong.
  • One will attain fame.
  • One will have the ability to perform work and have plenty of energy to do work.
  • One will have a son and a daughter in the 27th year.
  • One may possess vehicles and may possess animals like camels and horses.
  • One may have relations with the opposite sex, be infatuated by the opposite sex, perform pious deeds and be very strong.
  • One will have a good appetite and good digestion.
  • One will mix with cultured people.
  • One will have authority over his relatives.
  • One will be attractive and will have a broad physique.
  • One will be physically robust and mentally pious.

Mars in 6th House in Vedic Astrology

Inauspicious Results of Mars in 6th House in Astrology

  • One with Mars in 6th House may suffer from skin diseases and blood-related ailments.
  • One will be very extravagant.
  • One may be injured in the waist with a weapon or stone.
  • One may be ailing, angry, wounded, in debt, extravagant, and suffering from blood-related ailments.
  • One may suffer due to the low quality of servants.
  • One may have mighty enemies, but they cannot stand before him and tend to show their back and run away.
  • One may not be fortunate for one’s maternal relatives, uncle, aunt, etc.
  • One might even be troublesome for them.
  • One is always in a state of anger.
  • One’s enemies are calmed down.
  • One with Mars in 6th House will be sensuous.
  • One’s sexual desire is acute.
  • One may die in a battle.
  • One may be very short-tempered.
  • One with Mars in 6th House may trouble one’s maternal uncle.
  • As an officer, if one takes bribes, one is not caught.
  • The first or second son expires at the age of accumulating wealth causing great mourning.
  • Before attaining fame, one will have to pass through many struggles.
  • Planetary situations increase sexual desire.
  • There may be a son who may die.
  • The planetary positions peculiar to this chart generally give auspicious results.
  • Due to some special conditions, the entire results are inauspicious.
  • One may suffer from gastric problems.
  • Urinary infection and heart ailments may occur.

Note: The degree of auspiciousness and inauspiciousness will depend upon a complete analysis of the horoscope (birth-chart).

Mars in 6th House for Various Ascendants in Astrology

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