Planets in Astrology|Planets in Houses in Astrology

Jupiter in 7th House in Astrology

Jupiter in 7th House in Astrology

Jupiter in 7th house in Astrology gives a business-minded person, who may also become famous at some point in his life. This planetary position could also make the native a lawyer or be in some government or political position. Jupiter in the 7th house in Vedic Astrology doesn’t necessarily give an early marriage or a good spouse, but this position gives a long-lasting marriage.

The seventh house of astrology signifies legal agreements, legal bindings, legal partnership and marriage, as marriage is also legally binding. The seventh house is known as the courthouse as everything happens here under the agreement, contracts, and house of other people, as it is opposite of the first house representing the native or an individual.

Jupiter represents philosophy, religious and cultural beliefs, knowledge, wealth, optimism, expansion of family (especially children) and teachings.

Significance and Characteristics of Jupiter in 7th House in Astrology

  • Jupiter in the seventh house represents balance as the seventh house is the original house of Libra, which indicates balancing and equilibrium in every aspect of the native’s life.
  • As for the marriage perspective, the female native of Jupiter in the seventh house will get a partner who is an all-rounder. He will be well educated, knowledgeable, religious, optimistic and perfect for the native in every aspect. However, if Jupiter is debilitated, the partner of the native will be the exact opposite and not as same from inside as outside, which will lead to a failed relationship or marriage.
  • The male native of Jupiter in the seventh house will have his partner with almost the same characteristics as the female’s chart of marriage. She will be well educated, well cultured, religious, spiritual and loving. She will be the constant source of knowledge, support and guidance to the native. Jupiter in the seventh house inflicts arranged marriage.
  • The native of Jupiter in the seventh house will be religious and knowledgeable, and with abilities to comprehend and act in an uncertain situation, he could be a good lawyer, journalist, judge, preacher or teacher.

Jupiter in 7th House in Astrology

What does 7th House Signify in Astrology?

The 7th House signifies marriage, legal partnership (also includes business partnership) and rules the person’s fame as it is opposite to the 1st house. It also involves sex and sexual relationship with the legal partner. This is also a death inflicting house (Marka House)

Physically, the lower part of the belly is next in line after the small intestines. This includes the large intestines and kidneys, and the 7th house rules these. Libra corresponds to the 7th house.

What does Jupiter represent in Astrology?

Jupiter is the knowledge we gain in a lifetime, and it is the concentration we put into learning something. Jupiter is the teaching of our father and educators. Since the father is the first teacher for a child, Jupiter automatically becomes the teaching and preaching of fathers and fatherly figures.

Jupiter also represents our belief system and our ability to follow the law. Jupiter is the lawyer in astrology; he writes the law and either makes the person follow it or resent it depending upon its condition.

Jupiter represents a husband in a female’s chart, and it is the guiding force in every woman’s life.

Jupiter in Astrology signifies knowledge, higher education, and wisdom embodied in spiritual traditions and religion. As gaining knowledge is essential for evolution and spiritual growth, Jupiter also indicates the general life growth principle.

Physically, Jupiter relates to the growth of the body; mentally, to the increase of happiness and sense of fullness; and socially, to the family’s growth in front of the offspring and family.


Auspicious Results of Jupiter in 7th House in Astrology

  • One has a solid and beautiful body and an attractive personality.
  • One will be friendly, attractive, and magnetic.
  • One’s voice is sweet, and he will be skilled at oratory and giving lectures.
  • One will have a sharp brain and be very intelligent and educated.
  • One’s prudent brain gives him great results.
  • One will be greatly interested in astrology, poetry, arts, and shastras.
  • One will have great tastes, be liberal, thankful, patient, polite, and modest.
  • One will be fortunate and talented.
  • One will be more talented than his father and be more liberal than him.
  • One will be more stable than his siblings. In other words, one will excel in his family.
  • One will be beautiful, famous, good-looking, and migrating.
  • One will be fearless, famous, and renowned.
  • One may not be captivated by the opposite sex.
  • One will have a beautiful, fair complexioned, religious, and devoted spouse.
  • One’s spouse will be talented and will bear a daughter.
  • Due to good partners, one will attain fame in partnership and court matters.
  • One may attain wealth from the state.
  • One will attain a high position very soon.
  • One will be a good advisor.
  • One’s son will be brilliant and good-looking.
  • One may be an artist or a photographer.
  • One may attain fame in judicious matters.
  • One will have good friends, and enemies will be won over.
  • One will attain bliss from his father.
  • One will attain fame in the 34th year.
  • One will be good in education.
  • After completing education, one may become a teacher, principal, lawyer, barrister, or judge.
  • This planetary position is suitable for service in the education department.

Jupiter in 7th House in Vedic Astrology

Inauspicious Results of Jupiter in 7th House in Astrology

  • One will be very arrogant.
  • One will be very sensual and infatuated by persons of the opposite sex who are skilled at sexual games.
  • One will be worried about his sons.
  • One will envy his father and elders.
  • One may be worried about the son, or there may be no children, or the children may not survive.
  • There may be extraordinary gains for Jupiter in the 7th House.
  • One will be loving towards his spouse.

Note: The degree of auspiciousness and inauspiciousness will depend upon a complete analysis of the horoscope (birth-chart).

Jupiter in 7th House for Various Ascendants in Astrology

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