Houses in Astrology

How to Read Houses in Astrology

How to Read Houses in Astrology

Kundli, also known as horoscope or birth chart, is an astrological diagram that is used to assess one’s destiny and make predictions. To make a birth chart, one must know their date of birth, time, and location. When making forecasts, one’s birth, the location and position of planets and zodiac signs in one’s kundali are considered. This chart represents planetary placements and astrological positions at the time of the native’s birth, and it is used to analyze a variety of elements of life.

A birth chart or kundli holds the key to one’s past, present, and future in Vedic Astrology, and can be used to assess physical characteristics, emotional, mental, and spiritual predilections, as well as likes and dislikes, inclinations, and interests. Reading a kundali is not as difficult as it appears, as all one has to know is a few key points to navigate among the various houses and planetary placements.

How to Read Houses in Astrology 

To read and understand houses in the birth chart we need to follow the below mentioned steps:

  • The first step in the kundli below is to determine the ascendant sign. The rising or ascendant sign of the native is represented by the number mentioned in the first house. Each number corresponds to a unique zodiac sign. The planets and houses in one’s birth chart are represented by numericals (1-12) and roman numbers, respectively (I-XII).
  • A birth chart has 12 houses, which represent many parts of the native’s life as well as physical attributes, interests, and characteristics. As a result, each planet or sign positioned in a house has an impact on its variables and produces results.
  • The birth chart captures and presents a visual picture of the position of planets and constellations at the time of the native’s birth. As a result, understanding the abbreviated form of planets indicated in the chart and their significance is essential while learning to read a kundli. The native can easily understand and read houses if the native follows these procedures. Although there are many details to consider when assessing a birth chart, by following the procedures outlined above, the native can gain a rapid and broad understanding of the native’s life.
  • After that, the native must determine if the planet is exalted or debilitated. Exaltation is an astrological event in which the influence of a planet posited in a certain sign strengthens, i.e. both of their fundamental harmony aligns, and the result is generally positive.
  • Debilitation, on the other hand, is the condition of agitation that the planet creates when it is positioned with any sign. The planet’s impact lessens here, and the consequences can be negative. The native can understand the planetary signs, their placements, and their overall impact on their birth chart with understanding of these basic steps. In the table below, the planets, their ruling signs, and signs are all described.

Benefic and Malefic Houses in Astrology

According to the Vedic Astrology mentioned, all the 12 houses in one’s horoscope represent a different aspect of the native’s life. Some houses or planets according to their placement or position in the native’s birth chart, are regarded to be benefic, while others are considered to be malefic. There are an equal number of benefic and malefic houses, i.e., there are six benefic houses and six malefic houses in the horoscope.

The benefic houses are the Trine houses (1st, 5th, and 9th) and the Kendra houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th). The 1st house is the only one that is both an angle and a trine, making it the ascendant or lagna’s most important house. As a result, benefic planets in the lagna are beneficial. The 6th, 8th and 12th houses are known to be most malefic and the remaining 2nd, 3rd and 11th houses are known as dusthana aka malefic houses. The lords of the malefic houses are also said to be malefic.

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