Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

Find out how to connect with the energy of Rahu to bring good fortune into your life.

  • Rahu is a powerful planetary body in Hindu astrology that is associated with transformation.
  • By connecting with Rahu’s energy, we can learn how to manifest abundance and good fortune in our lives.
  • The best way to connect with Rahu is through meditation, focusing on the breath and observing any thoughts or feelings without judgement.
  • You can also use mantras when connecting with Rahu’s energy in order to set intentions for what you would like to manifest.

Have you ever wanted to manifest abundance and good fortune in your life? Perhaps you’re looking for a way to improve your financial situation, or maybe you want to be more successful in your career. If so, then it might be time to tap into the energy of Rahu.

Rahu is one of the nine major planetary bodies in Hindu astrology and is associated with power and transformation. By understanding the energy of Rahu, we can learn how to use it as a tool for manifestation and growth. Let’s take a closer look at what Rahu represents and how we can connect with its energy.

What is Rahu?

In Hindu astrology, Rahu is known as the “north node” or “dragon’s head.” It represents our shadow self—the aspects of ourselves that are hidden from view but still have an influence on our lives. By connecting with this hidden side, we can unlock a powerful source of transformation and manifestation.

How Can We Connect With Rahu?

The best way to connect with the energy of Rahu is through meditation. When practicing meditation, focus your attention on the breath as it moves through your body and observe any thoughts or feelings that come up without judgement or attachment.

This will help you quiet your mind so that you can better access the power of Rahu within yourself. You may also find it helpful to visualize yourself surrounded by a bright white light while meditating—this will help protect you from any negative energies that may arise during this practice.

You can also use mantras when connecting with Rahu’s energy in order to set intentions for what you would like to manifest in your life. Some mantras that are associated with this planetary body include “Om Bhram Bhrahaspatay Namah” or “Om Namo Narayanaya.” As you recite these mantras, envision yourself surrounded by unlimited abundance and good fortune—this will help attract these positive energies into your life more quickly!


Through connecting with the energy of Rahu, we can unlock an incredible source of power for manifesting abundance and good fortune in our lives. Meditation is an excellent way to do this, as well as using mantras associated with this planetary body. With dedication and practice, we can tap into this potent force for transformation—and begin creating a life filled with abundance!