Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

Explore the mythology and symbolism associated with Rahu in Vedic astrology.

  • In Vedic astrology, Rahu is a mythical planet that stands for illusion and has been known to cause chaos.
  • Rahu is said to be an asura who attempted to consume Amrita (the elixir of life) during a battle between the Devas (gods) and Asuras (demons).
  • Upon doing so, he was cut into pieces by Vishnu’s Sudarshana Chakra, which was wielded by his consort Lakshmi. His head survived and eventually transformed into this powerful planet.
  • The story of Rahu highlights how an individual’s actions can have both positive and negative consequences on their life path.
  • Symbolism Associated With Rahu in Vedic Astrology: o Rahu is often symbolized with a snake or dragon coiled around his neck to represent its power over our subconscious minds.
  • It can also signify the strength that comes from being able to confront our inner demons—and thereby gaining control over them—rather than allowing them to control us. Additionally, it is believed that Rahu grants supernatural powers such as invisibility or immortality if it is propitiated properly through offerings or rituals.

In Vedic astrology, Rahu is a mythical planet that stands for illusion and has been known to cause chaos. This powerful energy has been associated with mythology, spirituality, and symbolism throughout much of India’s history. Let’s take a closer look at the mythology and symbolism associated with Rahu in Vedic astrology.

Myths Surrounding Rahu in Vedic Astrology

In Hindu mythology, Rahu is said to be an asura who attempted to consume Amrita (the elixir of life) during a battle between the Devas (gods) and Asuras (demons). Upon doing so, he was cut into pieces by Vishnu’s Sudarshana Chakra, which was wielded by his consort Lakshmi. His head survived and eventually transformed into this powerful planet. The story of Rahu highlights how an individual’s actions can have both positive and negative consequences on their life path.

Symbolism Associated With Rahu in Vedic Astrology

Rahu is often symbolized with a snake or dragon coiled around his neck to represent its power over our subconscious minds. It can also signify the strength that comes from being able to confront our inner demons—and thereby gaining control over them—rather than allowing them to control us. Additionally, it is believed that Rahu grants supernatural powers such as invisibility or immortality if it is propitiated properly through offerings or rituals.

The energies of this planet are further represented by the color black and its direction is north-west. It tends to bring change in one’s life and can affect multiple aspects such as career, relationships, health etc., depending on its position in one’s natal chart. Its effects also depend on whether it is placed alone or with other planets as well as its relationship with other planets in the chart. Thus, understanding the placement of this planet plays an important role in deciphering one’s destiny according to Vedic astrology readings.


Rahu holds a unique place within Indian mythology because it represents both good and bad aspects of life – creation and destruction; success and failure; expansion and contraction; lightness & darkness among many others. Its importance lies not only in understanding its effects but also learning how to use these energies positively towards our benefit instead of letting them affect us negatively.

By studying the mythology associated with this planet as well as exploring its symbolism we can gain insight into our lives so that we can make better choices going forward. Ultimately, understanding the power of Rahu can help us better navigate our paths through life while still maintaining balance between both positive & negative forces at play within us all!