Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

Color Therapy and Rahu in Vedic Astrology

  • Vedic astrology is an ancient art that has been used for centuries to understand the cosmos and its many mysterious workings, one of which is color therapy.
  • Color therapy utilizes different colors to balance out the influence of certain planets in the birth chart.
  • In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use color therapy when Rahu, one of the nine major planets in Vedic astrology, is negatively influencing your chart.
  • Rahu is known as the “shadow planet” or “dragon’s head” and it’s said to have a powerful influence on our lives – often causing feelings of insecurity, anxiety, restlessness, and a lack of focus.
  • There are ways to balance out the negative effects of Rahu with color therapy including wearing blue clothing or jewelry and meditating while focusing on blue light.
  • Other colors used in color therapy include red (boosts confidence), yellow (promotes creativity), green (relieves stress), purple (increases spiritual awareness), orange (brings joy into life), pink or white (increases peace).

Vedic astrology is an ancient art that has been used for centuries to understand the cosmos and its many mysterious workings. One lesser-known aspect of Vedic astrology is color therapy, a practice that utilizes different colors to balance out the influence of certain planets in the birth chart. In this post, we’ll explore how to use color therapy when Rahu, one of the nine major planets in Vedic astrology, is negatively influencing your chart. Let’s take a look!

What Is Rahu?

In Vedic astrology, Rahu is known as the “shadow planet” or “dragon’s head.” It doesn’t actually have any physical existence, but it does have a powerful influence on our lives. Rahu’s influence often manifests itself through feelings of insecurity, anxiety, restlessness, and a lack of focus. When Rahu is negatively influencing someone’s birth chart—as indicated by an unfavorable position relative to other planets—it can cause major disruption in that person’s life.

Using Color Therapy to Balance Out Rahu

Fortunately, there are ways to balance out the negative effects of Rahu with color therapy. The idea behind color therapy is that certain colors can act as antidotes for certain planets in your birth chart. When it comes to balancing out the power of Rahu, blue is considered to be one of the most effective colors.

Wearing blue clothing or jewelry can help counteract some of the disruptive energies associated with this planet and restore harmony and balance in your life. Additionally, meditating while focusing on blue light or visualizing yourself surrounded by blue energy can also be very helpful in calming down any negative energy associated with Rahu.

What Other Colors Are Used In Color Therapy?

In addition to blue being used for balancing out the effects of Rahu, other colors are also used for different purposes in color therapy. Red is often used to boost confidence and courage; yellow can help promote creativity; green helps relieve stress; and purple can increase spiritual awareness. By combining different colors together you create a powerful tool for healing and restoring balance within your body and mind.


Color therapy using Vedic astrology principles has been practiced for centuries and can be an invaluable tool for restoring balance when challenging planetary influences like those caused by Rahu arise in your life. By utilizing all seven colors correctly—blue for calming down any negative energy associated with Rahu; red for boosting confidence; yellow for promoting creativity; green for relieving stress; purple for increasing spiritual awareness; orange to bring joy into your life; and pink or white to increase peace—you’ll be able to unlock new levels of spiritual growth and transformation as you journey through life!