
Characteristics of Number 8 in Numerology

The number 8 in numerology governs all those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th of any month; more so, if they are born between 21st December and 26th January and between 26th January and 26th February. The natives governed by number 8 generally have a powerful personality and are full of wonderful possibilities.

Characteristics of Number 8 in Numerology

Characteristics of Number 8 in Numerology

The Ruling Planet of Number 8 in Numerology

The number 8 stands in symbolism for the planet Saturn.

Positive Traits of Number 8 in Numerology

  • Natives of number 8 in numerology are very diligent and self-disciplined. Their constant nature and their profound sense of duty make them the epitome of trust and honour.
  • They have very intense natures, and it is rare to find a natives of number 8 indulging in aimless frivolity. They are also very strong individuals.
  • Number 8 is fatalistic. The stars above govern our condition, but this is more certain about natives of number 8. Oddly, the stars are frequently hostile towards them. Natives of number 8 are either great successes or significant failures, and there is no happy medium in their case.
  • Natives of number 8 are not normally religious, but if they are then, they become fanatics. They carry out their cause irrespective of any opposition, and this makes bitter enemies for them. It is not to say that they are wrong. It only means that they carry the truth to an extent where it annoys people.
  • Natives of number 8 are very warm-hearted but appear cold because they are very undemonstrative. They hide their feelings and let people think what they want to.
  • Natives of number 8 are great benefactors of the oppressed class.
  • Natives of number 8 can rise to great positions provided they are ambitious. They hold this position, however, involving a great sacrifice and pain on their part.
  • Natives of number 8 love classical and melancholic music. They are pessimists and prefer to live away from the company. They actively shun society.
  • Prudence is the hallmark of the natives of number 8. They are wise and grave. They take decisions after great deliberation. But once the decision has been made, they can put in tremendous effort to achieve their goal. Their logical mind creates profitable decisions.
  • Natives of number 8 are born managers, and their organizing ability is thus exceptional.
  • Natives of number 8 loves fair play, and they never pays lesser than a person’s due.
  • Natives of number 8 have an odd blend of profundity and sensitivity. Some of them may be eccentric, which may often be seen in religious matters.
  • Saturn is a very complex planet, and that is why it is so difficult to predict what destiny may sometimes hold for natives of number 8.
  • Natives of number 8 are meditative by nature. They work without fuss or show, but the quality of their work deserves not only praise but even reverence.
  • Natives of number 8 can be very warm to persons they love, but they can become completely disinterested in people who annoy them. They may even try to finish them, and they often succeed because natives of number 8 can be very dogged in their approach.
  • Natives of number 8 gain enormously when their Saturn is strong, and they also lose heavily when their Saturn is weak. They, however, can control an adverse situation within days, and number 8 are perhaps the only natives who can fight hostile stars on an even keel.
  • Natives of number 8 have very few friends, but the few they do have are greatly benefitted from them. They can bear any hardship on themselves to benefit a friend.
  • Natives of number 8 hate exaggeration of any kind. They are reasonable people who exist within logical limits. They can never be satisfied with negligible or low deeds. They always work to reach the top of their ability, and they can never feel satisfied remaining at lower levels or positions.
  • Natives of number 8 know how to spend money creatively. A lot of creativity is required to earn money, but even greater creativity is required to spend it. Only then does money bring joy? They buy genuine value with their money, never a dubious show.
  • Saturn can make a person a millionaire one moment and a pauper the next. Natives of number 8 must buy lottery tickets regularly. They must ensure that they buy a lottery ticket.
    • Whose numbers add up to 8
    • The lottery is drawn on the 8th, 17th or 26th of any month.
  • Natives of number 8 spend enormous energy and time sorting out the contradictions arising from the changes, leaving very little time for amusement.
  • Natives of number 8 often find sadness as well as rejection in love. Natives of number 8 are essentially action-oriented. They can rarely have their hearts in their mouths, which means they can rarely convey the immense love they experience in their hearts.
  • Natives of number 8 detest arguments. They know that discussion is an exchange of knowledge, while the argument is an exchange of ignorance.
  • Natives of number 8 hate stone idols as their God. It amounts to hypocrisy, and their concept of God is more linked with truth and deeds than with something beyond human understanding.
  • Natives of number 8 can easily become addicted to intoxicants. They would be advised to keep away from them because they will affect them extremely adversely.

Number 8 in Numerology

Personality Traits of Number 8 in Numerology

Important Precautionary Measures for Natives of Number 8

  • Natives of number 8 must overcome any shyness or hesitation in matters concerning their work.
  • Natives of number 8 should not become static. Travel and movement benefit them more. Close contact with people can be highly beneficial.
  • Natives of number 8 should not be dependent on others, and they are most likely to benefit if they do their work.
  • Natives of number 8 have many enemies. However, this is no cause for concern. They rarely lose against any enemy in a court of law, and all they need to do is take adequate measures to negate the threat.
  • Natives of number 8 should not travel to very high mountains or into very deep water. They must take extra care in case such a thing is inevitable.
  • Women are likely to cause great anguish to natives of number 8 in matters of love. They must be very careful in choosing a proper woman.
  • Natives of number 8 can be very inflexible. Intellectual constancy is admirable but unnecessary pigheadedness would lead to enormous difficulties.
  • They must not indulge in unnecessary worry. Every problem presents a solution within itself, and natives of number 8 can easily recognize this once they make up their mind.
  • They must never be pessimistic about the future. God’s intentions are always beneficial. All that is required is to use our resources to the optimum to reap its true harvest. God and nature never work to the detriment of man.
  • Loneliness for its own sake is a negative attitude. Natives of number 8 must actively seek people who fit into the logical concept of their philosophy.
  • There may be many impediments in the path of natives of number 8, but once these are removed, nothing but joy prevails.

Career Options for Natives of Number 8 in Numerology

Natives of number 8 are eminently suitable for certain jobs. These are listed down according to the abilities of natives of number 8 and the favourable influence of Saturn. The jobs that are most suited to them are :

  • Manufacture or trading of iron goods or oil (especially linseed or til oil).
  • They can make a career out of occult sciences.
  • Chemistry, physics and higher mathematics.
  • Medicine.
  • Coal mines and timber.
  • Construction.
  • Printing and publishing.
  • Travel and tourism.

Health Problems that Natives of Number 8 Might Face

The following diseases normally afflict natives of number 8 in numerology:

  • Disorders of the liver and the intestines.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Rheumatism and gout.
  • Paralysis.
  • Melancholia.
  • Breathlessness.
  • Blood pressure and heart trouble in old age.

Precautions to Prevent Illnesses for Natives of Number 8

Natives of number 8 must take certain precautions in order to prevent illness, and in order to maintain good health.

  • Consume adequate vitamins in food as well as through medicines.
  • Consume large quantities of leafy and green vegetables.
  • Consume large quantities of fruit.
  • Avoid animal food as far as possible.
  • Meditate for half an hour every morning to remove the turmoil of the mind.
  • Take a brisk half-hour walk early in the morning.
  • Make a postulate not to be pessimistic or to worry.

Lucky Marriage Partner for Natives of Number 8

The natives of number 8 are most suited to marry a person who:

  • Has 4 or 8 as a root number which means born on the 4th, 8th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, 26th and 31st of any month.
  • Moreso, if born between 21st December and 26th February. Natives of number 8 must be cautious with whom they marry.

Lucky Friendship for Natives of Number 8

The natives of number 8 get lucky in friendship and partnership if they make friendships with natives who have 4 or 8 as their root number, which means born on the 4th, 8th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, 26th, and 31st of any month can become extremely lucky friends and partners for natives of number 8.

Lucky Days, Dates & Overall Periods for Natives of Number 8

The most fortunate dates for natives of number 8 are 4th, 8th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, 26th and 31st of any month.

Moreover, if the natives endeavour to carry out any important plans of theirs, then they must try to carry out the work on the dates that fall between 21st December and 26th February.

The most fortunate days for natives of number 8 in a week are mostly:

Lucky Colour for Natives of Number 8

The lucky colours for natives of number 8 are Grey, Blue, Black and Purple.

Natives of number 8 must wear these colours as much as possible. They would be advised to have the colours of their walls, upholstery, cars, curtains, etc., as either grey or blue. They must carry a black coloured handkerchief with them. The use of these colours would remove impediments and increase peace of mind and affluence.

Lucky Jewel and Stone for Natives of Number 8

The lucky jewel for natives of number 8 is blue sapphire. Natives of number 8 in numerology must wear it in :

  • Approximate 4 to 6 ratti weight.
  • It should be embedded in a ring made of silver or lead in a manner that the top of the ring is exposed to nature and its bottom touches the skin of the wearer.
  • It must be worn on the middle finger.
  • The ring must be worn the first time on a Saturday.
  • The jewel must be purified in raw cow’s milk for at least three hours.
  • The blue sapphire must not be worn with ruby, pearl or yellow sapphire.
  • Its substitute is the Lapiz Lazuli.

Some astrologers also suggest the wearing of amethyst by natives of number 8.

Fasting and Worship for Natives of Number 8

Fasting and worshipping God plays a very important role in any person’s life. Along with bringing positive results, fasting and worshipping God also brings mental peace and happiness in life. It would be beneficial for natives of number 8 if they :

  • Have an idol of Saturn in their house.
  • Keep fast on Saturdays and have only one meal a day.

Unhealthy Months and Years for Natives of Number 8

Along with lucky months and lucky times comes somewhat unhealthy times too. The natives of number 8 will find notable changes in their 17th, 26th, 35th, 44th, 53rd and 62nd years. They must guard against diseases during December, January, February and July. If the remedies are followed properly, the negative impacts of unhealthy months and years can be minimized. So natives must not worry much and instead follow the remedies properly and have faith and worship God with true faith, and all the ill effects can be minimized.

Lucky Metal for Natives of Number 8 in Numerology

The lucky metal for natives of number 8 is iron and lead. If the natives of number 8 wear or keep iron and lead metal with them, then it can bring luck and positive results to them. So it is mainly advised to keep iron and lead metal with them.

Further Reading :

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