Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

What is the Role of Rahu in Our Destiny?

  • Rahu is a powerful celestial body that plays an important role in influencing our destiny, according to Indian astrology.
  • Rahu is best known for causing eclipses, as it has an inclination to swallow the Sun or Moon.
  • It is believed that Rahu has karmic influence on us and its placement in the birth chart can be indicative of events that are outside of our control.
  • Having knowledge about the role of Rahu in our destiny can help us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and reflect upon our experiences to make more informed decisions.

According to Indian astrology, Rahu is a powerful celestial body and plays an important role in influencing our destiny. Rahu is best known for being the cause of eclipses as it has an inclination to swallow the Sun or Moon. It is believed that Rahu has karmic influence on us and its placement in the birth chart can be indicative of events that are outside of our control.

While some may find life events hard to understand, they should know that Rahu’s position in the horoscope can often tell us why certain things happen to us throughout life – especially those related to unexpected losses or gains. In general, having knowledge about the role of Rahu in our destiny can help us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and reflect upon our experiences to make more informed decisions.

The Role of Rahu in Our Destiny

Rahu, one of the two nodes of the moon in Vedic astrology, plays a vital role in determining our destiny. It represents the human experience of shadow and darkness, as it is constantly situated beyond the orbit of earth. The areas associated with Rahu are manipulation, materialistic cravings, soul journeys and foreign travels.

From an astrological perspective, the traits associated with this node indicate difficult life lessons that must be overcome to achieve deep inner awareness. While these lessons may be challenging to bear at times, they also create opportunities for growth and tremendous personal transformation. One’s attitude towards Rahu can highly influence how its energies manifest in their life.