Houses in Astrology

What are the Houses in Astrology?

Houses in Astrology

Astrology is a thorough and intriguing ancient practice that may help one discover a lot about oneself. There are 12 houses in astrology and each house has its own natural planetary ruler and sign, which is likely to be different for everyone.

The first house of the zodiac, for example, is naturally controlled by the sign Aries and is ruled by the planet Mars. However, it may easily be the sign of a Capricorn in someone else’s horoscope. It is useful to know what each astrological house represents, but one will need to study his birth chart to find out what that area looks like for him.

What do the Houses Mean in Astrology?

All of one’s life and experiences are believed to be represented by the 12 houses in astrology. The first six houses are known as the “personal houses,” or houses centred on the native. In contrast, houses from seven to twelfth are known as the “interpersonal houses,” or houses centred on the relationship with the world. A thematic journey growing outward can be seen as you progress through the house system and its implications — from your personal inner world to your transcendent and interpersonal connection to the outside world. Unlike planets and signs, houses are not about a specific form of energy; instead, they provide context for the planets and signs that interact in our lives.

Overview of the 12 Houses in Astrology

First House in Astrology

The First House in Astrology represents the mapping of life for an individual. It affects self-image, sense of self, and the picture we portray to others. It reflects “you” in the simplest terms. The 1st house in astrology has complete control over our physical appearance. It deals with “firsts” and fresh beginnings, such as the first impressions or how one takes the initiative and starts new projects. The Aries sign rules the first house, and Mars is the lord of the first house.

1st House in Astrology

1st House in Astrology

The Second House in Astrology signifies family, fixed assets, family business, possessions of valuable things, vocal talent and speaking ability, as the second house represents the throat. The second house is representative of speech, ability to speak, quality of speech, family lineage, family history, family relationships, family assets, savings, vocal activities (love for singing, talking, public speaking, poetry recitation) and optimism. The Taurus zodiac sign rules the second house. The natural significator of the 2nd house in the birth chart is Venus.

2nd House in Astrology

2nd House in Astrology

The Third House in Astrology represents short distance travel, from state to state or from one town to another. The 3rd house also represents siblings and relationships with them, media, networking skills, writing, and communicative ability. This house also promotes courage. It is the house of one’s willpower, and efforts, that is, where one’s efforts will be and how much effort will the native put in his work are judged. This is also the house of longevity. The third house in astrology is associated with Gemini, the zodiac’s third sign. Mercury is the ruling planet of the third house.

3rd House in Astrology

3rd House in Astrology

The Fourth House in Astrology is all about the roots or things relating to the origin. Everyone is bound to be influenced by the fourth because we have a deep connection to our roots. The 4th house is all about one’s connection and link with the primary source of energy. The 4th house in astrology is associated with the sign of Cancer. In addition, the Moon is the fourth house’s significator.

4th House in Astrology

4th House in Astrology

The Fifth House in Astrology is also known as the “House of Progeny and Knowledge” in Vedic Astrology. It is also a house of learning and reflects the mental ability of the native to understand anything, as well as how easily the native grasps things. The Leo zodiac sign is associated with the 5th house in astrology. This house’s natural ruler is the Sun.

5th House in Astrology

5th House in Astrology

The Sixth House in Astrology deals with enemies, diseases of the body, everyday work life, and relationships with co-workers. This is the house of debt, obstacles, warzone, fighting, litigation, and divorce. The planet Mercury is the natural significator of the 6th house. The ruling sign of the fourth house is Virgo.

6th House in Astrology

6th House in Astrology

The Seventh House in Astrology signifies marriage, legal partnership (also includes business partnership) and rules the person’s fame as it is opposite to the first house. It also involves sex and sexual relationship with the legal partner. This is also a death inflicting house (Marka House). The 7th house is also known as ‘Kalatra Bhava’ in Vedic Astrology. The Libra sign rules the seventh house, and the planet Venus is the natural significator of this house.

7th House in Astrology

7th House in Astrology

The Eighth House in Astrology rules the death and rebirth of a person or how one rises after a great fall in their life. This house also shows money through in-laws and friends as loans from them. Financial loans for home or businesses are also shown from this house.  It is ruled by the Scorpio zodiac sign, which is characterised by mystery, possessiveness, passion, and ambition. Mars is also the 8th house’s natural significator.

8th House in Astrology

8th House in Astrology

The Ninth House in Astrology shows interest in religion, long-distance travel, and higher philosophical education. This house rules the advance or higher education like PhD or masters and the education that brings wisdom in one’s life, whether negative or positive. This house also represents the law field as the ninth house is about doing the right things or being punished for the wrong deeds. The Sagittarius sign is associated with the 9th house. Furthermore, Jupiter is the ninth house’s natural significator.

9th House in Astrology

9th House in Astrology

The Tenth House in Astrology represents the source of livelihood and the everyday work we do. It is the most active house and is generally connected to the way we do things and how the outside world labels us. The Capricorn sign rules the 10th house. Saturn and Mars are both closely correlated with the 10th house.

10th House in Astrology

10th House in Astrology

The Eleventh House in Astrology represents one’s actions, income and general fulfilment of desires. It also represents the years after the career is over, enjoyment of a pension, having time to spend with friends. Aquarius is the zodiac sign linked with the eleventh house, and the Sun is the 11th house’s natural significator.

11th House in Astrology

11th House in Astrology

The Twelfth House in Astrology is called the house of mystery, the hidden talent, the hidden magic, foreign country settlement, losses but not necessarily loss of money; it could be loss of enemies or health. The twelfth house is associated with Pisces, the twelfth zodiac sign. Intuition, loneliness, and fantasy are all characteristics of this sign. Jupiter is the ruling planet of the 12th house.

12th House in Astrology

12th House in Astrology

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