Sundarkaanda 5.9: Ravana’s Advances and Sita’s Unwavering Devotion

The Couplets

तरु पल्लव महुँ रहा लुकाई। करइ बिचार करौं का भाई।।
Hanuman remained hidden in the foliage of a tree, pondering, “What should I do, O brother?”

तेहि अवसर रावनु तहँ आवा। संग नारि बहु किएँ बनावा।।
At that moment, Ravana arrived there, accompanied by many women adorned in various ways.

बहु बिधि खल सीतहि समुझावा। साम दान भय भेद देखावा।।
The wicked Ravana tried to persuade Sita in various ways, using conciliation, gifts, threats, and divisive tactics.

कह रावनु सुनु सुमुखि सयानी। मंदोदरी आदि सब रानी।।
Ravana said, “Listen, O beautiful and wise one, along with Mandodari and all the other queens.”

तव अनुचरीं करउँ पन मोरा। एक बार बिलोकु मम ओरा।।
“I shall make them your servants. Just once, look towards me.”

तृन धरि ओट कहति बैदेही। सुमिरि अवधपति परम सनेही।।
Holding a blade of grass as her support, Sita, remembering her beloved Lord of Ayodhya, spoke.

सुनु दसमुख खद्योत प्रकासा। कबहुँ कि नलिनी करइ बिकासा।।
“Listen, O Ten-headed one, as radiant as the sun, can a lotus ever bloom without it?”

अस मन समुझु कहति जानकी। खल सुधि नहिं रघुबीर बान की।।
Thus spoke Janaki, “Understand this in your mind, O wicked one, you have no knowledge of the arrows of Lord Rama.”

सठ सूने हरि आनेहि मोहि। अधम निलज्ज लाज नहिं तोही।।
“O wicked one, you shall see, the Lord will bring me back. O vile and shameless one, have you no shame?”

While hidden in the foliage, Hanuman witnessed Ravana’s arrival, accompanied by many adorned women. The wicked Ravana tried to persuade Sita in various ways, using conciliation, gifts, threats, and divisive tactics. He offered to make the other queens her servants if she would just look towards him once.

Holding a blade of grass as her support, Sita, remembering her beloved Lord Rama, spoke. She questioned Ravana, as radiant as the sun, if a lotus could ever bloom without it, implying her devotion to Rama. She warned the wicked Ravana that he had no knowledge of the arrows of Lord Rama, who would bring her back. Sita chastised Ravana for his shameless behavior, unwavering in her devotion to her Lord.

The Couplet

आपुहि सुनि खद्योत सम रामहि भानु समान।
परुष बचन सुनि काढ़ि असि बोला अति खिसिआन।।9।।

Hearing her words, as radiant as the sun, likening Rama to the sun itself, Ravana, enraged by her harsh words, drew his sword and spoke in great anger.

Upon hearing Sita’s words, likening Ravana’s radiance to the sun while comparing Rama to the sun itself, Ravana was enraged by her harsh words. Infuriated, he drew his sword and spoke in great anger, unable to bear Sita’s unwavering devotion to Lord Rama.
