Sundarkaanda 5.7: Vibhishana’s Humility and Devotion

The Couplets

सुनहु पवनसुत रहनि हमारी। जिमि दसनन्हि महुँ जीभ बिचारी।।
“Listen, O son of the Wind God, this is my condition, like a tongue in the mouth of Ravana.”

तात कबहुँ मोहि जानि अनाथा। करिहहिं कृपा भानुकुल नाथा।।
“O son, may the Lord of the Raghu clan, knowing me to be helpless, bestow His grace upon me.”

तामस तनु कछु साधन नाहीं। प्रीति न पद सरोज मन माहीं।।
“This body of mine is tainted by ignorance, devoid of any spiritual practice, and my mind lacks devotion to the lotus feet of the Lord.”

अब मोहि भा भरोस हनुमंता। बिनु हरिकृपा मिलहिं नहिं संता।।
“Now, O Hanuman, I have gained confidence, for without the Lord’s grace, the virtuous cannot be attained.”

जौ रघुबीर अनुग्रह कीन्हा। तौ तुम्ह मोहि दरसु हठि दीन्हा।।
“If the Lord of the Raghu clan has shown His grace, then you have stubbornly granted me your vision.”

सुनहु बिभीषन प्रभु कै रीती। करहिं सदा सेवक पर प्रीती।।
“Listen, O Vibhishana, it is the Lord’s way to always bestow affection upon His servants.”

कहहु कवन मैं परम कुलीना। कपि चंचल सबहीं बिधि हीना।।
“Tell me, how can I be of the highest lineage? I am a restless monkey, devoid of all virtues.”

प्रात लेइ जो नाम हमारा। तेहि दिन ताहि न मिलै अहारा।।
“Whoever utters my name in the morning does not receive food that day.”

Vibhishana humbly described his condition as being like a tongue in the mouth of Ravana, helpless and in need of the Lord’s grace. He acknowledged that his body was tainted by ignorance, devoid of spiritual practice, and his mind lacked devotion to the Lord’s lotus feet. However, upon meeting Hanuman, he gained confidence, realizing that without the Lord’s grace, the virtuous cannot be attained.

Vibhishana expressed his belief that if the Lord of the Raghu clan had shown His grace, then Hanuman had stubbornly granted him the vision of a virtuous being. Hanuman reassured him that it is the Lord’s way to always bestow affection upon His servants.

Exhibiting great humility, Hanuman questioned how he could be of the highest lineage, describing himself as a restless monkey devoid of all virtues. He even stated that whoever utters his name in the morning does not receive food that day, highlighting his perceived unworthiness.

The Couplet

अस मैं अधम सखा सुनु मोहू पर रघुबीर।
कीन्ही कृपा सुमिरि गुन भरे बिलोचन नीर।।7।।

“Thus, I am the lowest of beings, O friend. Listen, the Lord of the Raghu clan has shown His grace upon me.” Remembering the Lord’s virtues, Hanuman’s eyes filled with tears.

Hanuman expressed his humility, considering himself the lowest of beings, yet acknowledged the grace bestowed upon him by the Lord of the Raghu clan, Lord Rama. Remembering the Lord’s virtues, his eyes filled with tears of devotion and gratitude.
