Sundarkaanda 5.6: Hanuman’s Encounter with Vibhishana

The Couplets

लंका निसिचर निकर निवासा। इहाँ कहाँ सज्जन कर बासा।।
Lanka is the abode of hordes of demons. How can a virtuous person dwell here?

मन महुँ तरक करै कपि लागा। तेहीं समय बिभीषनु जागा।।
The monkey (Hanuman) began to ponder in his mind when Vibhishana woke up at that very moment.

राम राम तेहिं सुमिरन कीन्हा। हृदयँ हरष कपि सज्जन चीन्हा।।
Vibhishana chanted the name of Rama, and the monkey, rejoicing in his heart, recognized him as a virtuous soul.

एहि सन हठि करिहउँ पहिचानी। साधु ते होइ न कारज हानी।।
“I shall stubbornly make his acquaintance, for there can be no harm in associating with a virtuous person.”

बिप्र रुप धरि बचन सुनाए। सुनत बिभीषण उठि तहँ आए।।
Assuming the form of a Brahmin, Hanuman spoke, and upon hearing his words, Vibhishana arose and came there.

करि प्रनाम पूँछी कुसलाई। बिप्र कहहु निज कथा बुझाई।।
Prostrating before him, Vibhishana inquired about his well-being and said, “O Brahmin, please tell me your story.”

की तुम्ह हरि दासन्ह महँ कोई। मोरें हृदय प्रीति अति होई।।
“Are you one of the servants of Lord Hari? My heart is filled with great affection for them.”

की तुम्ह रामु दीन अनुरागी। आयहु मोहि करन बड़भागी।।
“Or are you a devotee of the compassionate Rama? Your arrival has made me fortunate.”

In Lanka, the abode of hordes of demons, Hanuman pondered how a virtuous person could dwell there. At that very moment, Vibhishana woke up, chanting the name of Rama. The monkey, rejoicing in his heart, recognized him as a virtuous soul and decided to stubbornly make his acquaintance, for there can be no harm in associating with a virtuous person.

Assuming the form of a Brahmin, Hanuman spoke, and upon hearing his words, Vibhishana arose and came there. Prostrating before him, Vibhishana inquired about his well-being and asked him to share his story. He wondered if Hanuman was one of the servants of Lord Hari, for whom his heart was filled with great affection, or a devotee of the compassionate Rama, whose arrival had made him fortunate.

The Couplet

तब हनुमंत कही सब राम कथा निज नाम।
सुनत जुगल तन पुलक मन मगन सुमिरि गुन ग्राम।।6।।

Then Hanuman narrated the entire story of Rama and revealed his own name. Upon hearing it, Vibhishana’s body was thrilled, and his mind was absorbed in remembering the virtues of Rama.

In response, Hanuman narrated the entire story of Rama and revealed his own name. Upon hearing this, Vibhishana’s body was thrilled with joy, and his mind was absorbed in remembering the virtues of Rama, the embodiment of righteousness and compassion.
