Sundarkaanda 5.5: Hanuman’s Search for Sita in Lanka

The Couplets

प्रबिसि नगर कीजे सब काजा। हृदयँ राखि कौसलपुर राजा।।
Entering the city, he (Hanuman) set about accomplishing all tasks, keeping the King of Kosala (Rama) in his heart.

गरल सुधा रिपु करहिं मिताई। गोपद सिंधु अनल सितलाई।।
He was like the potent nectar that destroys enemies, like the ocean that cools the fire.

गरुड़ सुमेरु रेनू सम ताही। राम कृपा करि चितवा जाही।।
He was as insignificant as a speck of dust compared to Garuda and Mount Sumeru, yet by Rama’s grace, he could be seen.

अति लघु रूप धरेउ हनुमाना। पैठा नगर सुमिरि भगवाना।।
Hanuman assumed an extremely small form and entered the city, remembering the Lord.

मंदिर मंदिर प्रति करि सोधा। देखे जहँ तहँ अगनित जोधा।।
He searched temple after temple and saw countless warriors everywhere.

गयउ दसानन मंदिर माहीं। अति बिचित्र कहि जात सो नाहीं।।
He went into Ravana’s palace, which was extremely wondrous, indescribable.

सयन किए देखा कपि तेही। मंदिर महुँ न दीखि बैदेही।।
The monkey saw the warriors sleeping there, but Sita was not visible in the palace.

भवन एक पुनि दीख सुहावा। हरि मंदिर तहँ भिन्न बनावा।।
He then saw a beautiful mansion, where there was a temple of Lord Hari (Vishnu) of a different design.

After entering Lanka, Hanuman kept Lord Rama in his heart and set about accomplishing his tasks. He was like a potent force that could destroy enemies and cool the fire of adversity, yet he remained humble, insignificant compared to the mighty Garuda and Mount Sumeru. It was only by Rama’s grace that he could be seen and accomplish his mission.

Assuming an extremely small form, Hanuman entered the city, remembering the Lord. He searched temple after temple, encountering countless warriors everywhere. He even ventured into Ravana’s wondrous palace, where he saw the warriors sleeping, but Sita was nowhere to be found. However, he then came across a beautiful mansion with a temple of Lord Vishnu, designed differently from the others.

The Couplet

रामायुध अंकित गृह सोभा बरनि न जाइ।
नव तुलसिका बृंद तहँ देखि हरषि कपिराइ।।5।।

The splendor of the house adorned with the weapons of Rama was indescribable. Seeing the fresh tulsi plants there, the monkey king (Hanuman) rejoiced.

In this mansion, Hanuman witnessed the splendor of a house adorned with the weapons of Lord Rama, a sight so magnificent that it was indescribable. Moreover, he rejoiced upon seeing fresh tulsi plants, which held great significance in the worship of Lord Vishnu.
