Sundarkaanda 5.4: Hanuman’s Encounter with Lankini

The Couplets

मसक समान रूप कपि धरी। लंकहि चलेउ सुमिरि नरहरी।।
Assuming the form of a mosquito, the monkey (Hanuman) proceeded towards Lanka, remembering Lord Narahari (Vishnu).

नाम लंकिनी एक निसिचरी। सो कह चलेसि मोहि निंदरी।।
There was a demoness named Lankini, who said, “O wicked one, where are you going?”

जानेहि नहीं मरमु सठ मोरा। मोर अहार जहाँ लगि चोरा।।
“You do not know my essence, O wicked one. Whatever is stolen is my food.”

मुठिका एक महा कपि हनी। रुधिर बमत धरनीं ढनमनी।।
With a single blow, the great monkey (Hanuman) struck her down, and she fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

In these verses, Hanuman assumes the form of a mosquito and enters Lanka, remembering Lord Vishnu (Ram). He encounters a demoness named Lankini, who threatens him, claiming that whatever is stolen is her food. Undeterred, Hanuman strikes her down with a single blow, leaving her vomiting blood on the ground.

Lankini’s Realization

पुनि संभारि उठि सो लंका। जोरि पानि कर बिनय संसका।।
Regaining her senses, Lankini rose and folded her hands in supplication, overcome with reverence.

जब रावनहि ब्रह्म बर दीन्हा। चलत बिरंचि कहा मोहि चीन्हा।।
“When Brahma granted a boon to Ravana, he cautioned me while departing.”

बिकल होसि तैं कपि कें मारे। तब जानेसु निसिचर संघारे।।
“If you are struck down by a monkey, know that the destruction of the demons is imminent.”

तात मोर अति पुन्य बहूता। देखेउँ नयन राम कर दूता।।
“O son, my great merit has borne fruit, for I have seen the messenger of Lord Rama with my own eyes.”

After being struck down by Hanuman, Lankini regains her senses and realizes the significance of the event. She recalls Brahma’s warning to Ravana that if she is struck down by a monkey, it would signal the imminent destruction of the demons. Overcome with reverence, she considers herself fortunate to have witnessed the messenger of Lord Rama with her own eyes.

The Couplet

तात स्वर्ग अपबर्ग सुख धरिअ तुला एक अंग।
तूल न ताहि सकल मिलि जो सुख लव सतसंग।।4।।
“O son, the pleasures of heaven and the nether regions are insignificant compared to a fraction of the joy obtained from the company of the virtuous. Nothing can equal the bliss derived from the association of the righteous.”

In the final couplet, Lankini imparts wisdom to Hanuman, stating that the pleasures of heaven and the nether regions pale in comparison to even a fraction of the joy obtained from the company of the virtuous. She emphasizes that nothing can equal the bliss derived from the association of the righteous, highlighting the transformative power of righteous company and devotion.

Through this encounter, Tulsidas not only showcases Hanuman’s valor but also underscores the profound impact of his presence, which awakens the realization of the demons’ impending downfall and the supremacy of righteousness embodied by Lord Rama’s messenger.
