Sundarkaanda 5.3: Hanuman’s Arrival in Lanka

The Couplets

निसिचरि एक सिंधु महुँ रहई। करि माया नभु के खग गहई।।
A demoness lived in the ocean, using her illusions to capture birds flying in the sky.

जीव जंतु जे गगन उड़ाहीं। जल बिलोकि तिन्ह कै परिछाहीं।।
She would cast her shadow on the creatures that flew in the air, seeing their reflections in the water.

गहइ छाहँ सक सो न उड़ाई। एहि बिधि सदा गगनचर खाई।।
Catching their shadows, she would not let them fly away, and thus, she always devoured the birds.

सोइ छल हनूमान कहँ कीन्हा। तासु कपटु कपि तुरतहिं चीन्हा।।
She tried the same trick on Hanuman, but the intelligent monkey immediately recognized her deception.

ताहि मारि मारुतसुत बीरा। बारिधि पार गयउ मतिधीरा।।
After defeating her, the brave son of the Wind God, with his resolute mind, crossed over the ocean.

In these verses, Hanuman encounters a demoness who uses illusions to capture and devour birds flying in the sky. She tries the same trick on Hanuman, but he quickly recognizes her deception and defeats her, continuing his journey across the ocean with unwavering determination.

Hanuman’s Arrival in Lanka

तहाँ जाइ देखी बन सोभा। गुंजत चंचरीक मधु लोभा।।
Reaching there, he saw the beauty of the forests, with the sweet chirping of birds attracted by the honey.

नाना तरु फल फूल सुहाए। खग मृग बृंद देखि मन भाए।।
He delighted in seeing various beautiful trees, fruits, flowers, and flocks of birds and deer.

सैल बिसाल देखि एक आगें। ता पर धाइ चढेउ भय त्यागें।।
Seeing a vast mountain ahead, he fearlessly ran and climbed upon it.

उमा न कछु कपि कै अधिकाई। प्रभु प्रताप जो कालहि खाई।।
There was no limit to the monkey’s prowess, for he was empowered by the grace of the Lord, who even devours Time itself.

गिरि पर चढि लंका तेहिं देखी। कहि न जाइ अति दुर्ग बिसेषी।।
Climbing the mountain, he saw Lanka, an extremely formidable and impregnable fortress, indescribable in its grandeur.

अति उतंग जलनिधि चहु पासा। कनक कोट कर परम प्रकासा।।
It was surrounded by the vast ocean on all sides, with golden ramparts shining brilliantly.

In these verses, Hanuman arrives in Lanka and is awestruck by the beauty of the forests, the chirping of birds, and the various trees, fruits, and flowers. He fearlessly climbs a vast mountain and from there, he witnesses the grandeur of Lanka, an impregnable fortress surrounded by the ocean, with golden ramparts shining brilliantly.

Description of Lanka (Chanda)

कनक कोट बिचित्र मनि कृत सुंदरायतना घना।
चउहट्ट हट्ट सुबट्ट बीथीं चारु पुर बहु बिधि बना।।

The golden ramparts were adorned with exquisite jewels, and the city was beautifully constructed with numerous gateways, markets, well-arranged streets, and charming avenues.

गज बाजि खच्चर निकर पदचर रथ बरूथिन्ह को गनै।।
बहुरूप निसिचर जूथ अतिबल सेन बरनत नहिं बनै।।

Who can count the multitudes of elephants, horses, chariots, foot soldiers, and armies? The hosts of demons in various forms, with immense strength, were beyond description.

बन बाग उपबन बाटिका सर कूप बापीं सोहहीं।
नर नाग सुर गंधर्ब कन्या रूप मुनि मन मोहहीं।।

The forests, gardens, groves, parks, lakes, wells, and ponds were beautiful. The forms of celestial damsels, nymphs, and female sages captivated the minds of men, serpents, and gods.

कहुँ माल देह बिसाल सैल समान अतिबल गर्जहीं।
नाना अखारेन्ह भिरहिं बहु बिधि एक एकन्ह तर्जहीं।।

Somewhere, wrestlers with massive bodies, as strong as mountains, roared. They gathered in various arenas, challenging and taunting one another.

करि जतन भट कोटिन्ह बिकट तन नगर चहुँ दिसि रच्छहीं।
कहुँ महिष मानषु धेनु खर अज खल निसाचर भच्छहीं।।

With great effort, millions of fierce-bodied warriors guarded the city on all sides. Somewhere, wicked demons in the forms of buffaloes, humans, cows, donkeys, and goats roamed.

एहि लागि तुलसीदास इन्ह की कथा कछु एक है कही।
रघुबीर सर तीरथ सरीरन्हि त्यागि गति पैहहिं सही।।

For this reason, Tulsidas has narrated a part of their story, so that by abandoning their bodies in the sacred pool of Lord Rama, they may attain the supreme goal.

The Couplet

पुर रखवारे देखि बहु कपि मन कीन्ह बिचार।
अति लघु रूप धरौं निसि नगर करौं पइसार।।3।।

Seeing the many guards of the city, Hanuman contemplated, “I shall assume an extremely small form and enter the city at night.”

In this passage, Tulsidas vividly describes Hanuman’s arrival in Lanka and his awe-inspiring encounter with the grandeur and formidable defenses of the city. The verses paint a vivid picture of the golden ramparts, the bustling markets, the various forms of demons, and the captivating beauty of the gardens and celestial damsels.

Hanuman, undeterred by the city’s defenses, contemplates assuming an extremely small form to enter Lanka at night, setting the stage for his daring exploits within the city.
