Sundarkaanda 5.28: Hanuman’s Triumphant Return and the Vanaras’ Joy

The Couplets

चलत महाधुनि गर्जेसि भारी। गर्भ स्रवहिं सुनि निसिचर नारी।।
As he (Hanuman) proceeded, he roared loudly, causing the demonesses to miscarry upon hearing his thunderous roar.

नाघि सिंधु एहि पारहि आवा। सबद किलकिला कपिन्ह सुनावा।।
Crossing the ocean, he came to this shore and let out a joyous call, which the monkeys heard.

हरषे सब बिलोकि हनुमाना। नूतन जन्म कपिन्ह तब जाना।।
All the monkeys rejoiced upon seeing Hanuman and felt as if they had been born anew.

मुख प्रसन्न तन तेज बिराजा। कीन्हेसि रामचंद्र कर काजा।।
His face was radiant, and his body shone with energy, for he had accomplished the work of Lord Ramachandra.

In these verses, Hanuman returns from Lanka, roaring loudly, causing the demonesses to miscarry upon hearing his thunderous roar. Crossing the ocean, he comes to the shore and lets out a joyous call, which the monkeys hear. All the monkeys rejoice upon seeing Hanuman and feel as if they have been born anew. Hanuman’s face is radiant, and his body shines with energy, for he has accomplished the work of Lord Ramachandra.

The Couplets

मिले सकल अति भए सुखारी। तलफत मीन पाव जिमि बारी।।
All the monkeys met him and became extremely joyful, like a fish obtaining water.

चले हरषि रघुनायक पासा। पूँछत कहत नवल इतिहासा।।
They joyfully proceeded towards the Lord of the Raghus, inquiring and narrating the new events.

तब मधुबन भीतर सब आए। अंगद संमत मधु फल खाए।।
Then, they all entered the Madhuvana (honey forest) and, with Angada’s permission, ate the sweet fruits.

रखवारे जब बरजन लागे। मुष्टि प्रहार हनत सब भागे।।
When the guards tried to stop them, the monkeys struck them with their fists, and all the guards fled.

In these verses, all the monkeys meet Hanuman and become extremely joyful, like a fish obtaining water. They joyfully proceed towards Lord Rama, inquiring and narrating the new events. Then, they all enter the Madhuvana (honey forest) and, with Angada’s permission, eat the sweet fruits. When the guards try to stop them, the monkeys strike them with their fists, and all the guards flee.

The Couplet

जाइ पुकारे ते सब बन उजार जुबराज।
सुनि सुग्रीव हरष कपि करि आए प्रभु काज।।28।।

The guards went and reported, “The young prince (Angada) has laid waste to the forest.” Hearing this, Sugriva rejoiced, realizing that the monkeys had accomplished the Lord’s work.

The guards go and report to Sugriva, “The young prince (Angada) has laid waste to the forest.” Hearing this, Sugriva rejoices, realizing that the monkeys have accomplished the Lord’s work.

Through this passage, Tulsidas vividly depicts the triumphant return of Hanuman from Lanka, his joyous reunion with the monkeys, and their collective celebration upon accomplishing Lord Rama’s work. The monkeys’ joy is likened to being born anew, and their actions in the Madhuvana reflect their exuberance and fearlessness, knowing that they have fulfilled their mission. Sugriva’s rejoicing upon hearing the news further emphasizes the significance of the monkeys’ achievement and sets the stage for their reunion with Lord Rama.
