Sundarkaanda 5.20: Hanuman’s Capture and Ravana’s Court

The Couplets

ब्रह्मबान कपि कहुँ तेहि मारा। परतिहुँ बार कटकु संघारा।।
The Brahmastra was aimed at the Hanuman, but it failed to harm him every time.

तेहि देखा कपि मुरुछित भयऊ। नागपास बाँधेसि लै गयऊ।।
Seeing this, the Hanuman pretended to be unconscious, and they bound him with serpentine ropes and took him away.

जासु नाम जपि सुनहु भवानी। भव बंधन काटहिं नर ग्यानी।।
“Listen, O Bhavani, by chanting whose name, even ignorant humans can cut the bonds of existence.”

तासु दूत कि बंध तरु आवा। प्रभु कारज लगि कपिहिं बँधावा।।
“How could the messenger of that Lord be bound? The Hanuman got himself bound for the Lord’s work.”

In these verses, Hanuman remains unharmed by the Brahmastra aimed at him, pretending to be unconscious. The demons then bind him with serpentine ropes and take him away. However, Hanuman got himself bound for the Lord’s work, as the messenger of the Lord whose name can cut the bonds of existence, even for ignorant humans.

The Couplets

कपि बंधन सुनि निसिचर धाए। कौतुक लागि सभाँ सब आए।।
Hearing of the Hanuman’s capture, the demons rushed, and all came to the assembly out of curiosity.

दसमुख सभा दीखि कपि जाई। कहि न जाइ कछु अति प्रभुताई।।
The ten-headed Ravana saw the Hanuman in the assembly, whose immense prowess is indescribable.

कर जोरें सुर दिसिप बिनीता। भृकुटि बिलोकत सकल सभीता।।
With folded hands, the Hanuman humbly glanced at the entire assembly, frowning.

देखि प्रताप न कपि मन संका। जिमि अहिगन महुँ गरुड़ असंका।।
Witnessing his prowess, the Hanuman’s mind remained fearless, like Garuda amidst a group of serpents.

Upon hearing of Hanuman’s capture, the demons rushed to the assembly out of curiosity. Ravana saw the Hanuman in the assembly, whose immense prowess was indescribable. With folded hands, the humble Hanuman glanced at the entire assembly, frowning. Witnessing his prowess, Hanuman’s mind remained fearless, like Garuda amidst a group of serpents.

The Couplet

कपिहि बिलोकि दसानन बिहसा कहि दुर्बाद।
सुत बध सुरति कीन्हि पुनि उपजा हृदयँ बिषाद।।20।।

Seeing the Hanuman, Ravana laughed and uttered harsh words. But then, remembering the slaying of his son, sorrow arose in his heart.

Upon seeing Hanuman, Ravana initially laughed and uttered harsh words. However, when he remembered the slaying of his son, sorrow arose in his heart.

Through this passage, Tulsidas vividly depicts Hanuman’s fearlessness and prowess, even in the face of Ravana’s court and the demons’ curiosity. Hanuman’s capture was a part of the Lord’s plan, and his unwavering devotion and faith in the Lord’s name are highlighted. The passage also showcases Ravana’s initial arrogance, which quickly turns to sorrow upon remembering the loss of his son at the hands of Hanuman.
