Sundarkaanda 5.2 : Hanuman’s Encounter with Surasa

The Couplets

जात पवनसुत देवन्ह देखा। जानैं कहुँ बल बुद्धि बिसेषा।।
The gods saw the son of the Wind God (Hanuman) going and recognized his exceptional strength and wisdom.

सुरसा नाम अहिन्ह कै माता। पठइन्हि आइ कही तेहिं बाता।।
They sent Surasa, the mother of serpents, who came and spoke to him.

आजु सुरन्ह मोहि दीन्ह अहारा। सुनत बचन कह पवनकुमारा।।
Hearing her words, the son of the Wind God (Hanuman) said, “The gods have given me food today.”

राम काजु करि फिरि मैं आवौं। सीता कइ सुधि प्रभुहि सुनावौं।।
“After accomplishing Lord Rama’s task, I will return and inform the Lord about Sita’s well-being.”

तब तव बदन पैठिहउँ आई। सत्य कहउँ मोहि जान दे माई।।
“Then, I will enter your mouth. Tell me the truth, O Mother.”

कबनेहुँ जतन देइ नहिं जाना। ग्रससि न मोहि कहेउ हनुमाना।।
“Never try to devour me,” said Hanuman.

In these verses, the gods witness Hanuman’s exceptional strength and wisdom as he embarks on his journey. They send Surasa, the mother of serpents, to test him. Hanuman confidently declares that he is on Lord Rama’s mission and will return after accomplishing it and informing the Lord about Sita’s well-being.

The Test of Surasa

जोजन भरि तेहिं बदनु पसारा। कपि तनु कीन्ह दुगुन बिस्तारा।।
She (Surasa) opened her mouth a yojana (about 8 miles) wide, and Hanuman doubled his body size.

सोरह जोजन मुख तेहिं ठयऊ। तुरत पवनसुत बत्तिस भयऊ।।
When her mouth was sixteen yojanas wide, Hanuman immediately became thirty-two yojanas in size.

जस जस सुरसा बदनु बढ़ावा। तासु दून कपि रूप देखावा।।
As Surasa kept increasing the size of her mouth, Hanuman showed her a form twice as large.

सत जोजन तेहिं आनन कीन्हा। अति लघु रूप पवनसुत लीन्हा।।
When her mouth was a hundred yojanas wide, the son of the Wind God assumed an extremely small form.

In this awe-inspiring sequence, Surasa tests Hanuman by opening her mouth to immense proportions, and Hanuman responds by increasing his size accordingly, showcasing his supernatural abilities.

Hanuman’s Departure

बदन पइठि पुनि बाहेर आवा। मागा बिदा ताहि सिरु नावा।।
He then entered her mouth and came out again, bowing his head and seeking her permission to leave.

मोहि सुरन्ह जेहि लागि पठावा। बुधि बल मरमु तोर मै पावा।।
“I have understood the essence of your wisdom and strength, for which the gods sent you to me.”

The Couplet

राम काजु सबु करिहहु तुम्ह बल बुद्धि निधान।
आसिष देह गई सो हरषि चलेउ हनुमान।।2।।

“You, who are a repository of strength and wisdom, will accomplish Lord Rama’s task.”
Saying this and bestowing her blessings, Surasa departed, and Hanuman joyfully proceeded on his way.

In this encounter, Hanuman demonstrates his unwavering faith and commitment to Lord Rama’s mission, as well as his exceptional abilities and wisdom. Surasa, sent by the gods, tests Hanuman’s prowess, and he emerges victorious, earning her blessings to accomplish Lord Rama’s task. The verses vividly depict the awe-inspiring display of Hanuman’s supernatural powers and his steadfast devotion to his Lord.
