Sundarkaanda 5.19: The Battle with Indrajit

The Couplets

सुनि सुत बध लंकेस रिसाना। पठएसि मेघनाद बलवाना।।
Hearing about the slaying of his son, the enraged Ravana sent the powerful Meghnaad (Indrajit).

मारसि जनि सुत बांधेसु ताही। देखिअ कपिहि कहाँ कर आही।।
“Slay the monkey and bind him. Let me see where his strength lies.”

चला इंद्रजित अतुलित जोधा। बंधु निधन सुनि उपजा क्रोधा।।
The unparalleled warrior Indrajit marched forth, enraged upon hearing of his brother’s death.

कपि देखा दारुन भट आवा। कटकटाइ गर्जा अरु धावा।।
The monkey (Hanuman) saw the fearsome warrior approaching. He roared and charged.

In these verses, Ravana, enraged by the news of his son’s slaying, sends his elder son – the powerful Meghnaad (Indrajit) to slay the Hanuman and bind him, so that Ravana could witness the source of Hanuman’s strength. The unparalleled warrior Indrajit marches forth, enraged by his brother’s death. Hanuman sees the fearsome warrior approaching and roars, charging towards him.

The Couplets

अति बिसाल तरु एक उपारा। बिरथ कीन्ह लंकेस कुमारा।।
Hanuman uprooted an enormous tree and rendered the prince of Lanka futile.

रहे महाभट ताके संगा। गहि गहि कपि मर्दइ निज अंगा।।
The great warriors who accompanied Indrajit were seized and pounded by Hanuman with his own limbs.

तिन्हहि निपाति ताहि सन बाजा। भिरे जुगल मानहुँ गजराजा।
Striking them down, Hanuman engaged in a duel with Indrajit, like two mighty elephants clashing.

मुठिका मारि चढ़ा तरु जाई। ताहि एक छन मुरुछा आई।।
With a mighty blow, Hanuman climbed atop a tree, causing Indrajit to momentarily lose consciousness.

In these verses, Hanuman uproots an enormous tree and renders the prince of Lanka, Indrajit, futile. The great warriors accompanying Indrajit are seized and pounded by Hanuman with his own limbs. Hanuman then engages in a duel with Indrajit, likened to two mighty elephants clashing. With a mighty blow, Hanuman climbs atop a tree, causing Indrajit to momentarily lose consciousness.

The Couplets

उठि बहोरि कीन्हिसि बहु माया। जीति न जाइ प्रभंजन जाया।।
Rising again, Indrajit employed many illusions, but Hanuman could not be defeated or bewildered.

ब्रह्म अस्त्र तेहिं साँधा कपि मन कीन्ह बिचार।
Indrajit then aimed the Brahmastra at Hanuman, who contemplated in his mind.

जौं न ब्रह्मसर मानउँ महिमा मिटइ अपार।।19।।
“If I do not honor the Brahmastra, its immense glory will be diminished.”

As the battle intensified, Indrajit employed many illusions, but Hanuman could not be defeated or bewildered. Indrajit then aimed the powerful Brahmastra at Hanuman, who contemplated in his mind, realizing that if he did not honor the Brahmastra, its immense glory would be diminished.

Through this passage, Tulsidas vividly depicts the fierce battle between Hanuman and the formidable Indrajit, showcasing Hanuman’s immense strength and prowess. However, even in the midst of battle, Hanuman exhibits reverence for the divine Brahmastra (given by Brahma), contemplating the need to honor its glory, reflecting his unwavering devotion and respect for the sacred.
