Sundarkaanda 5.18: Hanuman’s Rampage in Ashoka Grove

The Couplets

चलेउ नाइ सिरु पैठेउ बागा। फल खाएसि तरु तोरैं लागा।।
He entered the garden, bowing his head. He began eating fruits and breaking trees.

रहे तहाँ बहु भट रखवारे। कछु मारेसि कछु जाइ पुकारे।।
There were many valiant guards there. He struck some and others went to raise an alarm.

नाथ एक आवा कपि भारी। तेहिं असोक बाटिका उजारी।।
“O Lord, a mighty monkey came and laid waste to the Ashoka grove.”

खाएसि फल अरु बिटप उपारे। रच्छक मर्दि मर्दि महि डारे।।
He ate fruits, uprooted trees, and struck the guards, throwing them to the ground.

In these verses, Hanuman enters the Ashoka grove, bowing his head. He begins eating fruits and breaking trees. There were many valiant guards present, and Hanuman struck some while others went to raise an alarm, reporting that a mighty monkey had come and laid waste to the Ashoka grove. Hanuman ate fruits, uprooted trees, and struck the guards, throwing them to the ground.

The Couplets

सुनि रावन पठए भट नाना। तिन्हहि देखि गर्जेउ हनुमाना।।
Hearing this, Ravana sent various warriors. Seeing them, Hanuman roared.

सब रजनीचर कपि संघारे। गए पुकारत कछु अधमारे।।
The Hanuman slaughtered all the demons. Some went to raise an alarm, half-dead.

पुनि पठयउ तेहिं अच्छकुमारा। चला संग लै सुभट अपारा।।
Then Ravana sent Akshakumara, who went with countless valiant warriors.

आवत देखि बिटप गहि तर्जा। ताहि निपाति महाधुनि गर्जा।।
Seeing them approach, Hanuman grasped a tree and roared loudly, striking them down.

Upon hearing the reports, Ravana sent various warriors, but seeing them, Hanuman roared. The monkey (Hanuman) slaughtered all the demons, and some went to raise an alarm, half-dead. Then Ravana sent Akshakumara, who went with countless valiant warriors. Seeing them approach, Hanuman grasped a tree and roared loudly, striking them down.

The Couplet

कछु मारेसि कछु मर्देसि कछु मिलएसि धरि धूरि।
कछु पुनि जाइ पुकारे प्रभु मर्कट बल भूरि।।18।।

He struck some, pounded others, and threw dust on some. Others went to raise an alarm, “O Lord, the monkey’s strength is immense!”

Hanuman struck some warriors, pounded others, and threw dust on some. Others went to raise an alarm, exclaiming, “O Lord, the monkey’s strength is immense!”

Through this passage, Tulsidas vividly depicts Hanuman’s rampage in the Ashoka grove, where he laid waste to the garden, uprooted trees, and single-handedly defeated Ravana’s warriors, including the valiant Akshakumara. The demons were no match for Hanuman’s immense strength and prowess, and they were forced to flee and raise an alarm, acknowledging the Hanuman’s formidable power.
