Sundarkaanda 5.17: Sita’s Blessings and Hanuman’s Desire

The Couplets

मन संतोष सुनत कपि बानी। भगति प्रताप तेज बल सानी।।
Sita’s mind was delighted upon hearing Hanuman’s words, which were imbued with devotion, glory, radiance, and strength.

आसिष दीन्हि रामप्रिय जाना। होहु तात बल सील निधाना।।
Knowing Hanuman’s love for Rama, Sita blessed him, “May you become a treasure of strength and virtues, O son.”

अजर अमर गुननिधि सुत होहू। करहुँ बहुत रघुनायक छोहू।।
“May you become ageless, immortal, and an ocean of virtues, O son. The Lord of the Raghus will seek your help many times.”

करहुँ कृपा प्रभु अस सुनि काना। निर्भर प्रेम मगन हनुमाना।।
Hearing these words of grace from the beloved of Rama, Hanuman became immersed in unwavering love and devotion.

In these verses, Sita is delighted upon hearing Hanuman’s devotional words. Knowing his love for Lord Rama, she blesses him to become a treasure of strength and virtues, ageless, immortal, and an ocean of virtues. She also expresses that Lord Rama will seek Hanuman’s help many times. Upon hearing these gracious words from the beloved of Rama, Hanuman becomes immersed in unwavering love and devotion.

The Couplets

बार बार नाएसि पद सीसा। बोला बचन जोरि कर कीसा।।
Repeatedly bowing his head at Sita’s feet, Hanuman spoke with folded hands.

अब कृतकृत्य भयउँ मैं माता। आसिष तव अमोघ बिख्याता।।
“Now I have become fulfilled, O Mother. Your blessings are renowned as infallible.”

सुनहु मातु मोहि अतिसय भूखा। लागि देखि सुंदर फल रूखा।।
“Listen, O Mother, I am extremely hungry upon seeing the beautiful fruit-laden trees.”

सुनु सुत करहिं बिपिन रखवारी। परम सुभट रजनीचर भारी।।
“Listen, O son, the forest is guarded by extremely valiant and formidable demons.”

In these verses, Hanuman repeatedly bows his head at Sita’s feet and speaks with folded hands, expressing his fulfillment upon receiving her infallible blessings. However, he then expresses his extreme hunger upon seeing the beautiful fruit-laden trees. Sita cautions him that the forest is guarded by extremely valiant and formidable demons.

The Couplets

तिन्ह कर भय माता मोहि नाहीं। जौं तुम्ह सुख मानहु मन माहीं।।
“O Mother, I have no fear of them if you find joy in your heart.”

देखि बुद्धि बल निपुन कपि कहेउ जानकीं जाहु।
Seeing Hanuman’s wisdom and strength, Sita said, “Go, O skilled warrior.”

रघुपति चरन हृदयँ धरि तात मधुर फल खाहु।।17।।
“Keep the feet of the Lord of the Raghus in your heart, O son, and partake of the sweet fruits.”

In these verses, Hanuman expresses that he has no fear of the demons if Sita finds joy in her heart. Seeing Hanuman’s wisdom and strength, Sita permits him to go and partake of the sweet fruits, advising him to keep the feet of Lord Rama in his heart.

Through this passage, Tulsidas beautifully captures the profound bond between Sita and Hanuman. Sita’s blessings and words of grace fill Hanuman with unwavering love and devotion, while her caution and advice reflect her maternal concern for Hanuman’s well-being. Hanuman’s desire for the sweet fruits and his fearlessness in the face of the demons, as long as Sita finds joy, exemplify his unwavering faith and devotion to Lord Rama and His consort.
