Sundarkaanda 5.16: Hanuman’s Reassurance and Revelation of His True Form

The Couplets

जौं रघुबीर होति सुधि पाई। करते नहिं बिलंबु रघुराई।।
“If the Lord of the Raghus had known your whereabouts, the Lord of the Raghus would not have delayed.”

रामबान रबि उएँ जानकी। तम बरूथ कहँ जातुधान की।।
“O Janaki, the arrows of Rama are like the sun. Where can the darkness of the demon hordes remain?”

अबहिं मातु मैं जाउँ लवाई। प्रभु आयसु नहिं राम दोहाई।।
“Right now, O Mother, let me go and inform the Lord. Rama has not given the command, hence the delay.”

कछुक दिवस जननी धरु धीरा। कपिन्ह सहित अइहहिं रघुबीरा।।
“Have patience for a few days, O Mother. The Lord of the Raghus will come with the monkey troops.”

In these verses, Hanuman reassures Sita, stating that if Lord Rama had known her whereabouts, He would not have delayed in rescuing her. He compares Rama’s arrows to the sun, capable of dispelling the darkness of the demon hordes. Hanuman expresses his desire to inform Rama immediately, as the delay is due to the lack of the Lord’s command. He urges Sita to have patience for a few days, as Lord Rama will come with the monkey troops to rescue her.

The Couplets

निसिचर मारि तोहि लै जैहहिं। तिहुँ पुर नारदादि जसु गैहहिं।।
“After slaying the demons, they will take you back, and the sages like Narada will sing your praises in all three worlds.”

हैं सुत कपि सब तुम्हहि समाना। जातुधान अति भट बलवाना।।
“O son, all the monkeys are like you. The demons are extremely powerful warriors.”

मोरें हृदय परम संदेहा। सुनि कपि प्रगट कीन्ह निज देहा।।
“My heart is filled with great doubt.” Hearing this, the monkey (Hanuman) revealed his true form.

कनक भूधराकार सरीरा। समर भयंकर अतिबल बीरा।।
His body was like a golden mountain, a terrifying and extremely powerful warrior in battle.

In these verses, Hanuman assures Sita that after slaying the demons, Lord Rama and the monkey troops will take her back, and sages like Narada will sing her praises in all three worlds. Sita expresses her concern, stating that while all the monkeys are like Hanuman, the demons are extremely powerful warriors. Hearing her doubt, Hanuman reveals his true form, which is like a golden mountain, a terrifying and extremely powerful warrior in battle.

The Couplets

सीता मन भरोस तब भयऊ। पुनि लघु रूप पवनसुत लयऊ।।
Sita’s mind was then filled with confidence. The son of the Wind God (Hanuman) then assumed his small form again.

सुनु माता साखामृग नहिं बल बुद्धि बिसाल।
“Listen, O Mother, I am not a mere monkey, but possess great strength and wisdom.”

प्रभु प्रताप तें गरुड़हि खाइ परम लघु ब्याल।।16।।
“By the grace of the Lord, even a tiny snake can devour Garuda, the mighty eagle.”

After witnessing Hanuman’s true form, Sita’s mind was filled with confidence. Hanuman then assumed his small form again and reassured Sita, stating that he is not a mere monkey but possesses great strength and wisdom. He further emphasizes that by the grace of the Lord, even a tiny snake can devour the mighty Garuda, the eagle.

Through this passage, Tulsidas masterfully depicts Hanuman’s unwavering devotion and his efforts to reassure and instill confidence in the distressed Sita. By revealing his true form, Hanuman demonstrates his immense power and capability, while also highlighting the grace and strength bestowed upon him by Lord Rama. The exchange between Sita and Hanuman serves as a testament to the profound bond between the Lord and His devotees, and the unwavering faith that sustains them through even the most challenging circumstances.
