Sundarkaanda 5.14: Sita’s Longing and Hanuman’s Reassurance

The Couplets

हरिजन जानि प्रीति अति गाढ़ी। सजल नयन पुलकावलि बाढ़ी।।
Recognizing Hanuman as a devotee of Lord Hari (Vishnu), Sita’s affection for him deepened. Her eyes became moist, and waves of joy arose within her.

बूड़त बिरह जलधि हनुमाना। भयउ तात मों कहुँ जलजाना।।
Drowning in the ocean of separation, Sita addressed Hanuman as her son, “O son, tell me about your well-being.”

अब कहु कुसल जाउँ बलिहारी। अनुज सहित सुख भवन खरारी।।
“Now speak, is Lord Rama, along with Lakshmana (Ram’s younger brother), and the entire household? I am devoted to you (Hanuman).”

कोमलचित कृपाल रघुराई। कपि केहि हेतु धरी निठुराई।।
“The tender-hearted and compassionate Lord of the Raghus, for what reason has He shown harshness towards me, the devoted one?”

In these verses, Sita recognizes Hanuman as a devotee of Lord Vishnu, and her affection for him deepens. Drowning in the ocean of separation from Lord Rama, she addresses Hanuman as her son and inquires about his well-being. She expresses her devotion to Hanuman and wishes for Lord Rama, along with Lakshmana and their entire household, to be happy and prosperous. However, she questions why the compassionate Lord Rama has shown harshness towards her, the devoted one, by not rescuing her sooner.

The Couplets

सहज बानि सेवक सुख दायक। कबहुँक सुरति करत रघुनायक।।
“With his natural speech, the Lord of the Raghus brings joy to his servants. Does He ever remember them?”

कबहुँ नयन मम सीतल ताता। होइहहि निरखि स्याम मृदु गाता।।
“Will my burning eyes ever be cooled by beholding His dark and tender form?”

बचनु न आव नयन भरे बारी। अहह नाथ हौं निपट बिसारी।।
Words failed her, and her eyes filled with tears. “Alas, O Lord, I am utterly forgotten.”

देखि परम बिरहाकुल सीता। बोला कपि मृदु बचन बिनीता।।
Seeing Sita in the throes of extreme separation, the humble Hanuman spoke gentle words.

In these heart-wrenching verses, Sita laments the separation from Lord Rama, questioning if her burning eyes will ever be cooled by beholding His dark and tender form. Words fail her, and her eyes fill with tears as she exclaims her utter forgetfulness by the Lord. Witnessing Sita’s extreme anguish, Hanuman speaks gentle words to console her.

The Couplets

मातु कुसल प्रभु अनुज समेता। तव दुख दुखी सुकृपा निकेता।।
“O Mother, the Lord and His younger brother are well. The Ocean of Compassion is distressed by your sorrow.”

जनि जननी मानहु जियँ ऊना। तुम्ह ते प्रेमु राम कें दूना।।
“Consider yourself the mother of the Lord, whose love for you is twice as much as a mother’s love for her child.”

In these reassuring verses, Hanuman informs Sita that Lord Rama and His younger brother Lakshmana are well, but the Ocean of Compassion (Rama) is distressed by her sorrow. He urges her to consider herself the mother of the Lord, whose love for her is twice as much as a mother’s love for her child.

The Couplet

रघुपति कर संदेसु अब सुनु जननी धरि धीर।
अस कहि कपि गद गद भयउ भरे बिलोचन नीर।।14।।

“Now listen to the message of the Lord of the Raghus, O Mother, with patience.” Saying this, Hanuman became choked with emotion, and his eyes filled with tears.

In the final couplet, Hanuman urges Sita to listen to the message of Lord Rama with patience, addressing her as the mother. As he speaks these words, Hanuman becomes overwhelmed with emotion, and his eyes fill with tears, reflecting the depth of his devotion and compassion.

Through this poignant passage, Tulsidas masterfully captures Sita’s intense longing for Lord Rama and her anguish at His perceived harshness in not coming to her rescue sooner. Hanuman’s gentle words and reassurances provide solace to Sita, reminding her of Rama’s love and compassion, even in the midst of her anguish. The exchange between Sita and Hanuman is a testament to the profound bond between the Lord and His devotees, and the unwavering faith that sustains them through the most trying of circumstances.
