Sundarkaanda 5.13: Sita’s Recognition of Hanuman and the Ring

The Couplets

तब देखी मुद्रिका मनोहर। राम नाम अंकित अति सुंदर।।
Then she saw the charming signet ring, beautifully inscribed with Rama’s name.

चकित चितव मुदरी पहिचानी। हरष बिषाद हृदयँ अकुलानी।।
Astonished, she gazed at the ring and recognized it. Her heart was agitated with joy and sorrow.

जीति को सकइ अजय रघुराई। माया तें असि रचि नहिं जाई।।
“Who can defeat the invincible Lord of the Raghus? This ring cannot be created by mere illusion.”

सीता मन बिचार कर नाना। मधुर बचन बोलेउ हनुमाना।।
Sita contemplated various thoughts in her mind when Hanuman spoke sweet words.

रामचंद्र गुन बरनैं लागा। सुनतहिं सीता कर दुख भागा।।
He began to describe the virtues of Lord Ramachandra. Hearing them, Sita’s sorrow dissipated.

लागीं सुनैं श्रवन मन लाई। आदिहु तें सब कथा सुनाई।।
She listened with her ears and mind, as he narrated the entire story from the beginning.

In these verses, Sita sees the charming signet ring inscribed with Rama’s name and is astonished, recognizing it. Her heart is agitated with joy and sorrow. She contemplates various thoughts, wondering how this ring could be created without illusion, as none can defeat the invincible Lord Rama.

Hanuman then speaks sweet words, describing the virtues of Lord Ramachandra. Hearing these, Sita’s sorrow dissipates, and she listens intently with her ears and mind as Hanuman narrates the entire story from the beginning.

The Couplets

श्रवनामृत जेहिं कथा सुहाई। कहि सो प्रगट होति किन भाई।।
“This story, pleasing to the ears like nectar, how can I express its glory?”

तब हनुमंत निकट चलि गयऊ। फिरि बैंठीं मन बिसमय भयऊ।।
Then Hanuman came near her. She sat down again, her mind filled with wonder.

राम दूत मैं मातु जानकी। सत्य सपथ करुनानिधान की।।
“O Mother Janaki, I am Rama’s messenger, truly sworn by the Ocean of Compassion.”

यह मुद्रिका मातु मैं आनी। दीन्हि राम तुम्ह कहँ सहिदानी।।
“O Mother, I have brought this ring, given by Rama as a token for you.”

नर बानरहि संग कहु कैसें। कहि कथा भइ संगति जैसें।।
“Tell me, how can a human associate with a monkey? Narrate the story of how this association came to be.”

In these verses, Hanuman expresses the glory of the story he has narrated, pleasing to the ears like nectar. He then comes near Sita, who sits down, her mind filled with wonder. Hanuman introduces himself as Rama’s messenger, truly sworn by the Ocean of Compassion (Rama). He confirms that he has brought the ring as a token from Rama for her.

Sita then asks Hanuman how a human can associate with a monkey and requests him to narrate the story of how this association came to be.

The Couplet

कपि के बचन सप्रेम सुनि उपजा मन बिस्वास।।
जाना मन क्रम बचन यह कृपासिंधु कर दास।।13।।

Hearing Hanuman’s loving words, faith arose in Sita’s mind. She recognized him as the servant of the Ocean of Compassion (Rama) in thought, word, and deed.

Upon hearing Hanuman’s loving words, faith arose in Sita’s mind. She recognized him as the servant of the Ocean of Compassion (Rama) in thought, word, and deed.

Through this passage, Tulsidas vividly depicts Sita’s initial astonishment upon seeing the ring, followed by her recognition of Hanuman as Rama’s messenger. Hanuman’s narration of Rama’s virtues and the entire story dissipates Sita’s sorrow, and she listens intently, her mind filled with wonder. The exchange between Sita and Hanuman establishes Hanuman’s identity and mission, leading Sita to recognize him as Rama’s devoted servant.
