Sundarkaanda 5.11: Trijata’s Dream and Sita’s Unwavering Faith

The Couplets

त्रिजटा नाम राच्छसी एका। राम चरन रति निपुन बिबेका।।
There was a demoness named Trijata, skilled in discernment and devoted to the feet of Lord Rama.

सबन्हौ बोलि सुनाएसि सपना। सीतहि सेइ करहु हित अपना।।
Calling them all, she narrated a dream, “O Sita, consider this as beneficial for yourself.”

सपनें बानर लंका जारी। जातुधान सेना सब मारी।।
“In the dream, a monkey burned Lanka, and the entire demon army was slain.”

खर आरूढ़ नगन दससीसा। मुंडित सिर खंडित भुज बीसा।।
“Ravana, the Ten-headed one, was riding a donkey, naked, with his head shaven and twenty arms severed.”

एहि बिधि सो दच्छिन दिसि जाई। लंका मनहुँ बिभीषन पाई।।
“In this manner, he was going towards the southern direction, as if Vibhishana had obtained Lanka.”

नगर फिरी रघुबीर दोहाई। तब प्रभु सीता बोलि पठाई।।
The Lord of the Raghu clan roamed the city, calling out, and then went for Sita.

यह सपना में कहउँ पुकारी। होइहि सत्य गएँ दिन चारी।।
“I proclaim this dream, which will come true within four days.”

तासु बचन सुनि ते सब डरीं। जनकसुता के चरनन्हि परीं।।
Hearing her words, they all became fearful and fell at the feet of Janaka’s daughter (Sita).

Trijata, a demoness skilled in discernment and devoted to Lord Rama, narrated a dream to the other demonesses, advising Sita to consider it beneficial. In the dream, she saw a monkey burning Lanka, and the entire demon army being slain. Ravana, the Ten-headed one, was riding a donkey, naked, with his head shaven and twenty arms severed, heading towards the southern direction, as if Vibhishana had obtained Lanka. The Lord of the Raghu clan, Rama, was roaming the city, calling out, and then summoned Sita. Trijata proclaimed that this dream would come true within four days.

Hearing her words, the demonesses became fearful and fell at the feet of Janaka’s daughter, Sita, recognizing the impending downfall of the demons and the triumph of righteousness.

The Couplet

जहँ तहँ गईं सकल तब सीता कर मन सोच।
मास दिवस बीतें मोहि मारिहि निसिचर पोच।।11।।

Then, they (the demonesses) all went here and there, while Sita contemplated in her mind, “When the month is over, the wicked demon (Ravana) will kill me.”

After Trijata narrated her prophetic dream, the demonesses scattered and left, while Sita contemplated in her mind, realizing that when the month’s deadline set by Ravana had passed, the wicked demon would kill her. Through this passage, Tulsidas highlights Sita’s unwavering courage and resolve in the face of Ravana’s threat. Despite the demonesses’ departure and the looming danger, Sita remains steadfast in her contemplation, undeterred by the prospect of her impending death at the hands of the wicked Ravana.
