Sundarkaanda 5.10: Ravana’s Threats and Sita’s Resolve

The Couplets

सीता तैं मम कृत अपमाना। कटिहउँ तव सिर कठिन कृपाना।।
“O Sita, you have insulted me. I shall sever your head with my sharp sword.”

नाहिं त सपदि मानु मम बानी। सुमुखि होति न त जीवन हानी।।
“Otherwise, accept my words at once, O beautiful one, or you will lose your life.”

स्याम सरोज दाम सम सुंदर। प्रभु भुज करि कर सम दसकंधर।।
Sita replied, “As beautiful as a blue lotus garland, my Lord’s arms are as strong as yours, O Ten-necked one.”

सो भुज कंठ कि तव असि घोरा। सुनु सठ अस प्रवान पन मोरा।।
“Are your terrible sword and neck mightier than His arms? Listen, O wicked one, this is my firm resolve.”

चंद्रहास हरु मम परितापं। रघुपति बिरह अनल संजातं।।
“May the moon’s smile remove my anguish, born of the fire of separation from Lord Rama.”

सीतल निसित बहसि बर धारा। कह सीता हरु मम दुख भारा।।
“May the cool stream of tears flow at night. How can I remove this burden of sorrow? said Sita”

सुनत बचन पुनि मारन धावा। मयतनयाँ कहि नीति बुझावा।।
Hearing her words, Ravana rushed to strike her, but his one of the wives (Mandodari) spoke, explaining the principles of righteousness.

कहेसि सकल निसिचरिन्ह बोलाई। सीतहि बहु बिधि त्रासहु जाई।।
“Call all the demonesses and terrify Sita in various ways.”

मास दिवस महुँ कहा न माना। तौ मैं मारबि काढ़ि कृपाना।।
“If she does not obey within a month, then I shall kill her by drawing my sword.”

Ravana threatened Sita, saying he would sever her head with his sharp sword if she did not accept his words immediately. Sita, however, remained resolute, declaring herself as beautiful as a blue lotus garland and stating that her Lord Rama’s arms were as strong as Ravana’s. She questioned whether Ravana’s terrible sword and neck were mightier than Lord Rama’s arms, firmly asserting her resolve.

Sita prayed for the moon’s smile to remove her anguish born of separation from Lord Rama and for the cool stream of tears to flow at night, asking how she could remove this burden of sorrow. Enraged by her words, Ravana rushed to strike her, but his wife Mandodari intervened, explaining the principles of righteousness.

Ravana then ordered all the demonesses to be called and terrify Sita in various ways. If she did not obey within a month, he threatened to kill her by drawing his sword.

The Couplet

भवन गयउ दसकंधर इहाँ पिसाचिनि बृंद।
सीतहि त्रास देखावहि धरहिं रूप बहु मंद।।10।।

Ravana, the Ten-necked one, went to his abode, while here, the hordes of demonesses assumed various terrifying forms to frighten Sita.

After issuing his threats, Ravana, the Ten-necked one, went to his abode, while the hordes of demonesses remained, assuming various terrifying forms to frighten and torment the resolute Sita.
