Sundarkaanda 5.1 : Hanuman’s Leap across the Ocean

The verses in this section describe the pivotal moment when Hanuman, emboldened by Jambavan’s words of encouragement, prepares to undertake the daunting task of crossing the vast ocean to reach Lanka and find Sita Devi.


जामवंत के बचन सुहाए। सुनि हनुमंत हृदय अति भाए।।
Hanuman’s heart was filled with joy upon hearing Jambavan’s pleasing words.

तब लगि मोहि परिखेहु तुम्ह भाई। सहि दुख कंद मूल फल खाई।।
“Until then, test me, O brother! I have endured hardships, subsisting on roots and fruits.”

जब लगि आवौं सीतहि देखी। होइहि काजु मोहि हरष बिसेषी।।
“Until I find and see Sita Devi, my task will not be complete, and I will remain joyous.”

यह कहि नाइ सबन्हि कहुँ माथा। चलेउ हरषि हियँ धरि रघुनाथा।।
Saying this, Hanuman bowed to all and departed joyfully, keeping Lord Rama in his heart.

The Leap

सिंधु तीर एक भूधर सुंदर। कौतुक कूदि चढ़ेउ ता ऊपर।।
He reached a beautiful mountain near the ocean’s shore and playfully leaped onto its summit.

बार बार रघुबीर सँभारी। तरकेउ पवनतनय बल भारी।।
Remembering Lord Rama repeatedly, the mighty son of the Wind God crossed over.

जेहिं गिरि चरन देइ हनुमंता। चलेउ सो गा पाताल तुरंता।।
The mountain on which Hanuman placed his feet immediately sank into the nether regions.

जिमि अमोघ रघुपति कर बाना। एही भाँति चलेउ हनुमाना।।
Just as the infallible arrows of Lord Rama, so did Hanuman proceed.

जलनिधि रघुपति दूत बिचारी। तैं मैनाक होहि श्रमहारी।।
Considering himself the messenger of Lord Rama, the ocean thought, “May you not face any fatigue.”


हनूमान तेहि परसा कर पुनि कीन्ह प्रनाम।
राम काजु कीन्हें बिनु मोहि कहाँ बिश्राम।।1।।

Hanuman touched the ocean and bowed again, saying, “Without accomplishing Lord Rama’s task, where can I find rest?”
