Bhagavad Gita 1.5 Explained: The Array of Pandava Allies

धृष्टकेतुश्चेकितानः काशिराजश्च वीर्यवान्।

पुरुजित्कुन्तिभोजश्च शैब्यश्च नरपुङ्गवः।।

श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 1.5

Dhrishtaketushchekitanah Kashirajashcha viryavan

Purujitkuntibhojashcha Shaibyashcha narapungavah

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita 1.5

“Dhrishtaketu, Chekitan, the valiant King of Benares, Purujit, Kuntibhoja, Shaibya – a master over many;”

English Translation of BG 1.5

This verse further enumerates the valorous warriors aligned with the Pandavas, each renowned for their bravery and expertise in warfare. It introduces a range of heroes, from kings to stalwarts, each contributing to the formidable might of the Pandava forces.

Insights into BG 1.5: Reflecting on Swami Ramsukhdas Ji’s Divine Commentary

In this powerful enumeration, Duryodhana continues to name the formidable allies of the Pandavas, aiming to impress upon his teacher, Dronacharya, the significant challenge they face. Through the mention of these warriors, the verse subtly delves into profound spiritual and ethical themes that resonate with the core teachings of the Bhagavad Gita.

Valor Beyond Physical Prowess

The warriors named in this verse exemplify not just physical strength but also the inner virtues of courage, loyalty, and commitment to righteousness. Dhrishtaketu, Chekitana, the king of Kashi, Purujit, Kuntibhoja, and Shaibya represent the idea that true valor is a blend of might and moral integrity. This mirrors the Bhagavad Gita’s emphasis on living a life aligned with dharma (righteous duty) and acting with the welfare of others in mind.

Unity and Diversity in the Pursuit of Dharma

The varied backgrounds of these warriors highlight the diversity within the Pandava camp, united under the banner of righteousness. This unity in diversity is a testament to the universal appeal of dharma, which transcends individual differences and binds everyone in a common goal. It reflects the Gita’s message of inclusivity and the collective effort towards upholding moral and ethical values.

The Importance of Righteous Alliances

The alliance of these warriors with the Pandavas underscores the importance of choosing one’s associations wisely. Aligning with righteousness brings together forces that can stand against adversities, a theme recurrent in the Bhagavad Gita, which advocates for the path of truth and duty even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Lessons in Leadership and Mentorship

The leadership of the Pandavas, attracting such valiant allies, speaks volumes about the qualities of true leaders who inspire loyalty and bravery. Similarly, Dronacharya’s mentorship to warriors on both sides of the conflict highlights the complex nature of duty and the challenges inherent in adhering to one’s principles. The Gita elucidates that true mentorship is about guiding others towards their dharma, regardless of personal dilemmas.


Through the mention of these warriors, the verse serves as a reminder that the battles we face in life, much like the Kurukshetra war, are not just physical confrontations but also moral and spiritual tests. The warriors stand as symbols of the various facets of human virtue — courage, loyalty, righteousness, and the pursuit of justice.

As we navigate our own battles, internal and external, let us draw inspiration from these characters, embodying their virtues and standing firm in our pursuit of righteousness. The Bhagavad Gita teaches us that in the grand scheme of life, it is these qualities that define us and lead us towards ultimate liberation and fulfillment.

Thus, this verse not only lists the allies of the Pandavas but also invites us to reflect on the deeper values they represent, guiding us towards a life of principle, courage, and commitment to the greater good, illuminated by the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita.
