Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

How can you use Vedic astrology to overcome the malefic effects of Rahu in your life?

  • Rahu is an important planetary body in Vedic astrology and its malefic effects can be felt in many aspects of our lives, but there are ways to harness the power of Vedic astrology to overcome these negative influences.
  • One way to reduce the malefic effects of Rahu is by performing rituals such as offering food or sweets, reciting mantras, or worshipping Lord Shiva.
  • Another way to counteract Rahu’s negative influence is by participating in yagyas, ancient ritualistic ceremonies that bring balance and harmony into your life.
  • Gemstones can also be used for protection from Rahu’s bad luck and misfortune – however, it is important to consult with an experienced astrologer before wearing any gemstone as different stones may have different effects based on one’s individual horoscope chart.

Rahu is an important planetary body in Vedic astrology and its malefic effects can be felt in many aspects of our lives. But how can we use the power of Vedic astrology to overcome these malefic influences? In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the ways you can harness the power of Vedic astrology to help you get back on track to living a happy and healthy life.

Performing Rituals for Rahu

Rituals are an important part of the path towards overcoming Rahu’s malefic influences. These rituals can involve offering food, sweets and other items to appease Rahu, reciting mantras dedicated to it and performing certain activities such as meditating or fasting.

There are several mantras that are used in Hinduism to invoke Rahu’s blessings and help ward off its negative effects. One popular mantra is “Om Bhram Bhreem Bhrom Sah Rahave Namah“. This mantra should be chanted 108 times daily for best results. Additionally, worshipping Lord Shiva is another way to reduce the malefic effects of Rahu.

The Role of Yagyas

Yagyas are ancient ritualistic ceremonies performed with fire that have been practiced since Vedic times. Yagyas are believed to bring balance and harmony into a person’s life by providing protection from evil forces including those caused by Rahu. The purpose of a yagya is not only to remove obstacles but also to attract positive energy into your life which will help you move forward despite any difficulties posed by Rahu’s influence. A qualified priest or pandit should be consulted when performing a yagya as there are various rituals involved depending on the specific situation.

Using Gemstones for Protection

Gemstones have long been used in India for spiritual healing and protection from negative energies like those caused by Rahu’s malefic influences. Certain gemstones like blue sapphire (neelam) or hessonite (gomedha) can be worn around the neck or wrist as an amulet against bad luck or misfortune caused by Rahu’s presence in one’s horoscope chart.

It is important to consult an experienced astrologer before wearing any gemstone as different gemstones may have different effects based on one’s individual horoscope chart. For example, if someone has a weak Mercury planet in their horoscope then they should not wear a neelam stone as it could increase their chances of facing difficulties due to poor communication skills or poor decision-making abilities.


We hope that this blog post has helped shed some light on how you can use Vedic astrology and rituals such as yagyas, mantras, and gemstones to overcome the malefic influence of Rahu in your life. Remember, consulting with experienced professionals such as priests or pandits who specialize in Vedic astrology should always be your first step before attempting any form of spiritual healing practice or ritualistic ceremony! With patience and dedication, you will soon find yourself on the path towards living a healthy and balanced life!