
Characteristics of Number 9 in Numerology

The number 9 in numerology governs all those who are born on the 9th, 18th and 27th of any month; more so, if they are born between 21st March and 26th April and between 21st October and 27th November. The natives governed by the number 9 are generally very impulsive, determined and hard-working.

Characteristics of Number 9 in Numerology

The Ruling Planet of Number 9 in Numerology

The number 9 stands in symbolism for the planet Mars.

Positive Traits of Number 9 in Numerology

  • Natives of number 9 in numerology are extremely determined. They do not have great luck at a young age, but they end up on the winning side and becoming great success stories with their diligence and hard work.
  • Natives of number 9 loves to be praised. They normally believe that they are superior to others. They are not vain; they are merely convinced that they are the best. They hate to be pointed out for their faults. They cannot function in a subordinate position.
  • Natives of number 9 can go to extremes to win love, and this attitude makes them prime candidates for being made fools by evil people.
  • Natives of number 9 love control. They can create magnificent things if they have complete control. Otherwise, they tend to lose interest. But they can be aggressive, dashing and quick in organising things if they have the opportunity.
  • If the birth number and the fadic number are both 9 then the native will have an inordinate sexual urge. The native would go to extremes to gratify their lust.
  • Natives of number 9 are extremely loyal to their friends and will fight for them. They also sympathise with the oppressed. They love children and are very merciful.
  • Natives of number 9 are very intuitive and clairvoyant. They are likely to have many mysterious experiences.
  • Natives of number 9 have extremely modern and clueful ideas. People reach out to them for advice. Natives of number 9 must be very careful while taking obligations or liabilities of others.
  • Natives of number 9 cannot live under somebody, and they can never beg. They believe in living by their deeds and thoughts.
  • Mars is the duty of war, and it indulges in death. That is why natives of number 9 do not merely emit smoke. They venture out with massive gunpowder, and they would either die or kill.
  • Natives of number 9 are extremely impulsive in deeds and what they speak, which leads to enormous losses for natives of number 9. It would be prudent for them to measure their words carefully and act after due thought.

Number 9 in Numerology

Personality Traits of Number 9 in Numerology

Important Precautionary Measures for Natives of Number 9

  • Natives of number 9 in numerology must remain alert to any adverse circumstance they would face when the influence of Mars is weak.
  • Natives of number 9 must avoid anger at all costs because the evil influence of Saturn invariably causes this.
  • Natives of number 9 must not irritate officials. They are likely to cause harm.
  • Natives of number 9 should avoid being lazy, cold and illogical at the office or work.
  • Natives of number 9 must avoid domestic disputes with the wife. If the only agony prevails, it would be better to part the company. This should, however, be done after sufficient efforts have been made to ensure harmony.
  • Natives of number 9 must protect themselves against electric shock and explosion.
  • When Saturn is weak, their courage may be replaced with deception. In such a case, natives of number 9 should not indulge in it because they would repent later.
  • Excessive sex at a young age may lead to impotence in old age for natives of number 9. Sex, like everything else, must be done in a certain rhythm, and excess of anything can prove damaging.
  • The natives of number 9 must choose the company of women with due care mainly because there would be a surfeit of women who would come into their lives.
  • Natives of number 9 must avoid intoxicants.
  • Natives of number 9 tend to do things in haste. This attitude causes typically harm to them. It is admirable to do work at a fast pace, but quality and final consequences must never be compromised due to it.
  • Natives of number 9 must leave violence to the animals. They possess a beautiful temperament and a lovely mind, and a little patience can create magnificence for them.
  • Friends may easily turn into enemies. Natives of number 9 must use their compassion and intelligence to win them back.
  • Natives of number 9 must never sign any paper in haste, and they must ponder over the contents of any document sufficiently before signing it.
  • Natives of number 9 should never resent the true criticism of their friends, especially after the age of 30. They are bound to benefit enormously.
  • Natives of number 9 should not indulge in a hasty surgical operation. Alternate options are generally available to natives of number 9, and they must get themselves operated only when nothing else is possible.
  • Natives of number 9 must actively work to generate peace and harmony in their house. They are often the cause of immense turmoil and pain to members of their families.

Career Options for Natives of Number 9 in Numerology

Natives of number 9 are eminently suitable for certain jobs. The jobs that are most suited to them are :

  • Army, Navy or the Air Force.
  • Medicine.
  • Property dealership.
  • Politics.
  • Manufacture or trade of iron or steel.

Health Problems that Natives of Number 9 Might Face

The main problems that natives of number 9 in numerology might face regarding their health care:

  • All kinds of fevers.
  • Measles.
  • Chickenpox, smallpox.
  • The trouble with kidney.
  • The trouble with the throat and the bronchial tubes.

Lucky Marriage Partner for Natives of Number 9

The natives of number 9 are most suited to marry a person who:

  • Has 3, 6 or 9 as their root numbers, which means those born on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th and 30th of any month.
  • Moreso, born between 21st March and 20th April and between 21st October and 27th November.

If natives of number 9 marry people from the above-specified dates, then their marriage is considered extremely auspicious and can bring a very prosperous life after marriage.

Lucky Friendship for Natives of Number 9

The natives of number 9 get lucky in friendship and partnership if they make friendships with those who have 3, 6 or 9 as their root number, which means those who are born on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th and 30th of any month can become extremely lucky friends and partners for natives of number 9.

Moreover, if they are born between 21st March and 20th April and between 21st October and 27th November, then a partnership with any having the above root number and born between the above period would be particularly beneficial and healthy for natives of number 9.

Lucky Days, Dates & Overall Periods for Natives of Number 9

The most fortunate dates for natives of number 9 are 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th and 30th of any month.

Moreover, if the natives endeavour to carry out any important plans, they must try to carry out the work on the dates that fall between 21st March and 26th April and between 21st October and 27th November.

The most fortunate days for natives of number 9 in a week are mostly:

Lucky Colour for Natives of Number 9

The lucky colours for natives of number 9 are Crimson, Red, Pink and Rose.

Natives of number 9 must wear these colours as much as possible, at least on important occasions like interviews, weddings, etc. If wearing them is not always possible, they would do well to carry a red handkerchief with them, preferably if it is visible. They must also use the above colours often around them, in their house as well as outside. The more they use these colours, the more they will find wealth, affluence, appreciation and peace of mind.

Lucky Jewel and Stone for Natives of Number 9

The lucky jewel for the natives of number 9 persons are ruby, red coral, bloodstone and garnet.

The natives should wear a ruby in:

  • Approximate 4 rattis weight.
  • Get the jewel embedded in a gold ring in such a manner that it is exposed on the top to the atmosphere and touches the skin at the bottom.
  • The ring must be first worn on a Sunday.
  • The ring must be worn on the ring finger.
  • The jewel must be purified in lemon juice for at least three hours before wearing.
  • The ruby must not be worn with a diamond, blue sapphire, or cat’s eye.
  • The substitute for ruby is garnet or red agate.

The natives should wear red coral in :

  • Approximate 6-10 rattis in weight.
  • Get the jewel embedded in a gold or iron ring in such a manner that it is exposed on the top to the atmosphere and touches the skin at the bottom.
  • The ring must be first worn on Tuesday.
  • The ring must be worn on the ring finger.
  • The coral must be purified in soap water for at least three hours before wearing.
  • The coral must not be worn with a diamond, emerald, blue sapphire and cat’s eye.
  • The substitute for red coral is cornelian.

Fasting and Worship for Natives of Number 9

Fasting and worshipping God plays a very important role in any person’s life. Along with bringing positive results, fasting and worshipping God also brings mental peace and happiness in life. It would be beneficial for natives of number 9 if they :

  • Have an idol or picture of Hanuman in their house.
  • Fast on Tuesdays, have only one meal that day, and not consume any salt on that day.
  • They must pay obeisance to Hanuman every morning, especially on Tuesdays.

Unhealthy Months and Years for Natives of Number 9

Along with lucky months and lucky times comes somewhat unhealthy times too. The natives of number 9 will find notable changes in their 9th, 18th, 27th, 36th, 45th and 63rd years. They must guard against ill-health due to overwork in April, May, October and November. Natives of number 9 must avoid alcohol and rich foods.

Lucky Metal for Natives of Number 9 in Numerology

The lucky metal for natives of number 9 is copper. If the natives of number 9 wear or keep copper metal with them, it can bring luck and positive results. So it is mainly advised to keep copper metal with them.

Further Reading :

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