
Characteristics of Number 7 in Numerology

The number 7 in numerology governs all those who are born on the 7th, 16th and 25th of any month; more so, if they are born between 21st June and 27th July. The natives governed by the number 7 are generally a combination of sensitive and brave. The natives are very adaptive.

Characteristics of Number 7 in Numerology

Characteristics of Number 7 in Numerology

The Ruling Planet of Number 7 in Numerology

The number 7 stands in symbolism for the planet Neptune, which is associated with the moon. The moon is always given a number of 2, and that is why natives of 7 have 2 as their secondary number.

Positive Traits of Number 7 in Numerology

  • Natives of number 7 in numerology are extremely independent, original and individualistic. They can rarely be found huddled in groups to seek the false security of numbers, and they stand on their own feet with their heads held high and existed by their minds and endeavours.
  • Natives of number 7 love change and travel. They love to visit foreign countries and far-off lands. They eagerly absorb information on travel and exotic lands.
  • Natives of number 7 have original business ideas, which generate enormous riches for them, though they are rarely interested in wealth. That is probably why they give large donations to charities.
  • Natives of number 7 have very peculiar ideas about religion. Most of them create a religion of their own. Their religion is imaginative and mysterious. Some of the greatest prophets and spiritualists are natives of number 7. They normally appear mysterious and absent-minded to ordinary people.
  • Natives of number 7 have remarkable dreams. They naturally lean toward occult studies, and they are intuitive and clairvoyant. They possess a certain kind of appeal that influences people in a very peaceful way.
  • Natives of number 7 are logical and precise, and their precision leaves no room for including the opinions of others. They are stubborn, and they generally disregard the views of others.
  • Natives of number 7 are very sensitive. They may not appear to be so because they go to extremes to hide their feelings.
  • The natives of number 7 are cool and tolerant. This makes them poetic and philosophical, and they make this world more civilized and worthwhile.
  • A favourable transit of Neptune inspires a number 7 writer to create a book that usually brings them enormous joy, fame and money.
  • Natives of number 7 are generally very lucky, and coming in contact with them makes others lucky as well. There is so much positive energy and vibrations in natives of number 7 that they create magnificence without striving to do so.
  • Natives of number 7 are great champions of personal liberty. They love this liberty for themselves as well as for others. They create opportunities when they are functional, which others would believe impossible. They generate goodness out of these opportunities, which would baffle most people.
  • Natives of number 7 are excellent bosses. They never pester, especially over trivialities. They may appear hard on the surface, but their sense of fairness and loving heart makes no one resentful. People love and respect them.
  • Natives of number 7 are courted by children, youth and old age as one of their own. Their wonderful adaptability makes them endearing to every age and environment, and they never seem to be out of place in the most unusual surroundings.
  • Natives of number 7 are not prone to give orders as a rule, but they want it to be implemented meticulously once they do. Their orders are made after due and rational thought, and they are normally obeyed.
  • Natives of number 7 have a good memory, and they also can create a lasting impression on the people they meet. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that their friends cooperate so easily with them and generate so much profit for them.
  • Natives of number 7 are brave. This is often a latent trait in character, and they should recognize this trait and advance on its path. It would also create benefits.

Number 7 in Numerology

Personality Traits of Number 7 in Numerology

Important Precautionary Measures for Natives of Number 7

  • Natives of number 7 in numerology must not be indifferent to money and material things. They must know that money is the true outer manifestation of human creativity and endeavour. Its end product should be material wealth.
  • They should always keep in mind that sensitivity demands pain against the stupidity or callousness of others, and natives of number 7 often ignore this. They are best suited to live life by their concept of good and bad.
  • Natives of number 7 must not detest people, and they must choose people as per their intellectual and not their social worth.
  • Natives of number 7 should not create bizarre rituals in religion. Religion is nothing but the search for truth, and truth demands logical evaluation for man’s joy on earth. There is nothing peculiar or unusual about seeking it.
  • Natives of number 7 should not indulge in anti-life thoughts. Philosophy demands thought concerning man’s existence on earth. Any other idea is an insult to earth’s only beneficiary-man.
  • Natives of number 7 should avoid going into deep waters.
  • Natives of number 7 should not disregard an opportunity as insignificant. Their imagination could lead them to this folly sometimes.
  • Natives of number 7 should not depend on anyone else but their thought and effort, and this is crucial if they are a partner in some business.
  • Wealth comes to natives of number 7 normally by their 34th year. They would be advised not to be unnecessarily proud of it, preventing them from enjoying it to the maximum extent.
  • Natives of number 7 should be dynamic in their thought and action. Static inertness could lead to losses.
  • They must not treat their wives as slaves or with contempt. A wife who is a friend can create great joy for natives of number 7. They must understand that gentle persuasion and not hostile initiation is the essence of a good marriage.
  • They must not work as a commission agent. Natives of number 7 are best suited to carry out independent business.

Career Options for Natives of Number 7 in Numerology

Natives of number 7 are most suited to carry on with business. The business most suited to them is electricity and iron. Natives of number 7 are eminently suitable for certain jobs other than above mentioned. In these jobs, too, they would experience success but to a lesser degree. These jobs are :

  • Export and import.
  • Dealing with foreign countries.
  • Shipping.
  • Writing.
  • Painting.
  • Poetry.
  • Fishery.
  • Dealing with dairy products and chemicals.

Health Problems that Natives of Number 7 Might Face

The main problems that natives of number 7 in numerology might face regarding their health care:

  • Infections from germs.
  • The delicacy of skin.
  • Indigestion.
  • Gout and arthritis in old age.
  • Nervousness.
  • Faulty blood circulation.

Natives of number 7 can prevent many illnesses by taking certain precautions. Such as :

  • They must avoid greasy food.
  • They must not indulge in too much hedonistic luxury. This would cause physical weakness.
  • Use Triphala regularly. This would prevent constipation and keep the blood pure.
  • Get blood pressure checked at regular intervals after the age of 40.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Consume as much fruit juices as possible.
  • Eat plenty of vitamins.
  • They must sit in the sun for at least one hour every day.

Lucky Marriage Partner for Natives of Number 7

The natives of number 7 are most suited to marry a person who:

  • Has 1, 2 or 7 as their root numbers, which means those born on the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th, 16th, 19th, 20th and 25th of any month.
  • More so, if they are born between 21st June and the end of August.

If natives of number 7 marry people from the above-specified dates, their marriage is considered highly auspicious and can bring a very prosperous life after marriage.

Lucky Friendship for Natives of Number 7

The natives of number 7 get lucky in friendship and partnership if they make friendships with those who have 1, 2, 4 or 7 as their root numbers, which means those who are born on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 25th, 28th, 29th and 31st of any month.

Moreover, if the native is born between 21st June and the end of August, then a partnership with any person having the above root number and born between the above period would be particularly beneficial and healthy for natives of number 7.

Lucky Days, Dates & Overall Periods for Natives of Number 7

The most fortunate dates for natives of number 7 are 1st, 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 25th, 28th and 29th of any month.

Moreover, if the natives endeavour to carry out any important plans, they must try to carry out the work on the dates that fall between 21st June and the end of August.

The most fortunate days for natives of number 7 in a week are mostly:

Lucky Colour for Natives of Number 7

The lucky colours for natives of number 7 are all shades of Green, Pale Yellow and White. They must avoid wearing dark colours as much as possible.

Natives of number 7 must wear these colours as much as possible, at least on important occasions. If wearing them is not always possible, then any of these colours must be prominently visible in the clothes’ colour combination. Alternatively, a white, green or light yellow handkerchief, preferably visible, would suffice. Natives of number 7 must ensure the walls of their houses, curtains, upholstery cars, etc., have one of these colours. These colours would provide peace of mind as well as affluence. Success in an interview, approval on a first date, or marriage proposal is likely if these colours are worn.

Lucky Jewel and Stone for Natives of Number 7

The lucky stone for natives of number 7 is the cat’s eye. The Hindi name for cat’s eye is “Lahsuniya”. These people should wear cat’s eye in :

  • Approximately 3 to 5 rattis weight.
  • The stone must be embedded in the ring made of gold or steel in a manner that its top is exposed to the elements and its bottom touches the skin of the finger.
  • The ring should be worn on Saturday.
  • The stone must be purified in raw cow’s milk for at least three hours before wearing.
  • Cat’s eye cannot be worn with ruby, pearl, red coral or yellow sapphire.
  • The substitute for the cat’s eye is the tiger’s eye.

Fasting and Worship for Natives of Number 7

Fasting and worshipping God plays a very important role in any person’s life. Along with bringing positive results, fasting and worshipping God also brings mental peace and happiness in life. It would be beneficial for natives of number 7 if they :

  • Worship God Narsingh.
  • They should keep an idol or picture of Narsingh in their house.
  • They should keep fast on Tuesday and eat only once on that day after paying obeisance to God Hanuman.

Unhealthy Months and Years for Natives of Number

Along with lucky months and lucky times comes somewhat unhealthy times too. The natives of number 7 will find notable changes in their 7th, 16th, 25th, 34th, 43rd, 52nd and 61st years. They must guard against ill-health due to overwork in January and July. If the remedies are correctly followed, the negative impacts of unhealthy months and years can be minimized. So natives must not worry much and instead follow the remedies properly and have faith and worship God with true faith, and all the ill effects can be minimized.

Lucky Metal for Natives of Number 7 in Numerology

The lucky metal for natives of number 7 is platinum. If the natives of number 7 wear or keep platinum metal with them, it can bring luck and positive results. So it is mainly advised to keep platinum metal with them.

Further Reading :

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