
Characteristics of Number 5 in Numerology

The number 5 in numerology governs all those who are born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd of any month; more so, if they are born between 21st May and 27th June and between 21st August and 27th September. The natives governed by number 5 are generally very intuitive and lucky to accumulate money whenever they indulge in trade.

Characteristics of Number 5 in Numerology

Characteristics of Number 5 in Numerology

The Ruling Planet of Number 5 in Numerology

The number 5 stands in symbolism for the planet Mercury, and the very name of the planet suggests a mercurial but versatile nature.

Positive Traits of Number 5 in Numerology

  • Natives of number 5 are wise in a positive way. They have a quick thought process that is scientific in its approach, and they have enormous insight into business and industry.
  • Natives of number 5 depend on intuition more than reasoned thought. Their intuitions are strong and favourable, but they are rarely arbitrary and absurd. Their mental strength creates an intuition which is a total of reasoned existence. Intuitions may lead others into all kinds of problems, but they lead to natives of number 5 to delightful gains.
  • Natives of number 5 have immense physical as well as mental energy. This makes them very active and decisive.
  • Natives of number 5 are as proficient in games as they are in the use of their brains. Since sports are more mental than physical at higher levels, some of the most prominent sports persons belong to number 5. Their active minds send quick decisions into their legs and hands. This results in sharper reflexes, precision and energy. Their minds can sum up their opponents with precision. Their keen eyes can detect openings faster than most others.
  • Natives of number 5 love to indulge in public speaking and oratory. Their eloquence makes them very persuasive and forceful. They convey truth as few others can, and they can sway public opinions.
  • Natives of number 5 in numerology have a very set aim in life. They also know how to plan and achieve their aim. Their aims are not vague or generous, and they are healthy and clear. There is no ambiguity in the manner in which to achieve them either.
  • Natives of number 5 are profoundly interested in occult studies. They deeply want to master such abstruse subjects, and they have the mental ability to master these complicated subjects with ease and with substantial depth.
  • Natives of number 5 make friends easily. They get along with almost every person born in any other number. They believe that the only way to have a friend is to be one.
  • The natives of number 5 are naturally drifted into any conceivable manner of making money quickly. They are not devious or evil, but they sometimes appear so due to their baffling desire to make money quickly.
  • Natives of number 5 can either be very good or very devious. If their nature is good, they will remain so; or they would be very bad, and no preaching would alter them.
  • Natives of number 5 are nervous and restless because they have so much surplus energy. This restlessness is channelized if their surplus energy finds avenues to expend itself; otherwise, it can create bizarre situations which range from the comical to the baffling.
  • Natives of number 5 love to travel. Travel normally brings good fortune and advancement in life, and they must plan to travel even if their occupation demands.

Number 5 in Numerology

Personality Traits of Number 5 in Numerology

Important Precautionary Measures for Natives of Number 5

  • Natives of number 5 in numerology must not exist in sad and depressive surroundings. Their acts should be such that they bring joy to themselves and others. They must remember that sorrow dries man of his blood.
  • The natives must go for a morning walk in the open. The ideal time for a walk is just before sunrise. If they cannot manage it, then the next best option is a walk in the evenings. They must take a brisk walk daily for thirty minutes.
  • The natives of number 5 must protect their blood from impurities, and they must ensure regular doses of vitamins and calcium in addition to their regular intake of food.
  • The natives must avoid dangerous speculations.
  • They are bound to lose heavily.

Career Options for Natives of Number 5 in Numerology

Natives of number 5 are eminently suitable for certain jobs. The adaptability of natives of number 5 makes them successful in a large number of works, but they are mostly linked with business. Other jobs that are most suited to them are :

  • Banking.
  • Medicine, especially surgery.
  • Law.

Health Problems that Natives of Number 5 Might Face

The main problems that natives of number 5 in numerology might face regarding their health care:

  • Overstraining of the nervous system.
  • Nervousness due to excessive mental strain.
  • Insomnia.
  • Biliousness.
  • Cough, cold and flu.
  • Skin disorders.

Natives of number 5 can overcome most of their illnesses through prevention. They must take adequate rest and sleep at regular hours, ideally 2200 hrs and 0600 hrs. They must meditate, and even otherwise, keep calm and quiet. They must learn proper hygiene by keeping their environment clean, drink clean water, eat healthy and clean food.

Lucky Marriage Partner for Natives of Number 5

The natives of number 5 are most suited to marry a person who:

  • Has 5 as their root number, which means natives born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd of any month.
  • More so, born between 21st May and 20th June and between 2 1st August and 20th September.

If natives of number 5 marry people from the above-specified dates, then their marriage is considered extremely auspicious and can bring a very prosperous life after marriage.

Lucky Friendship for Natives of Number 5

Natives of number 5 are friendly with almost every number. Though more specific, natives of number 5 get lucky in friendship and partnership if they make friendships with people who have 5 as their root number, which means those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd of any month.

Moreover, if the native is born between 21st May and 20th June and between 21st August and 20th September, such natives should be selected for partnerships in business as well as elsewhere. Love can easily flourish and thrive with them. It can provide extraordinary joy and passion. Love can heal wounds, and it can soothe the nerves, but it can also destroy them. Love that is bound by the conjunction of the stars, however, rarely brings pain.

Lucky Days, Dates & Overall Periods for Natives of Number 5

The most fortunate dates for natives of number 5 are the 5th, 14th and 23rd of any month. Moreover, if these people endeavour to carry out any important plans, they must try to carry out the work on the dates that fall between 21st May to 27th June and between 21st August to 20th September.

The most fortunate days for natives of number 5 in a week are mostly:

Lucky Colour for Natives of Number 5

The lucky colours for natives of number 5 are Light Grey, White, Glistening Materials, Light green.

They should have colours of their walls, curtains, upholstery, etc., of light shade, especially white. They must wear light colours, especially those mentioned above. These colours would provide peace and bring prosperity. Colours vibrate energies, and they add to success if the energies emitted by them are in harmony with those of its wearer. They must avoid wearing dark colours as far as possible, especially red.

Lucky Jewel and Stone for Natives of Number 5

The lucky jewels for natives of number 5 are emerald or diamond.

The natives should wear diamonds in:

  • Approximately 7 rattis weight.
  • It should be embedded in a ring made of platinum or white metal in a manner that the top of the ring is exposed to nature and its bottom touches the skin of the wearer.
  • The diamond can be worn on any finger.
  • The ring containing the diamond must be worn on Friday.
  • The diamond must be purified in raw cow’s milk for 3 hours before wearing.
  • The diamond should not be worn with ruby, pearl, red coral and yellow sapphire.
  • Its cheaper substitutes are white zircon, tourmaline and white coral.

The natives should wear emerald in:

  • Approximately 6 rattis weight.
  • It should be embedded in a ring made of gold in a manner that the top of the ring is exposed to nature, and its bottom touches the skin of the wearer.
  • The ring must be worn on a Wednesday.
  • The emerald must be purified in raw cow’s milk for at least three hours.
  • The ring must be worn on the little finger.
  • The emerald should not be worn with red coral, pearl, gomedh and cat’s eyes.
  • Its substitutes are jade, aquamarine, peridot, agate and green zircon.

Fasting and Worship for Natives of Number 5

Fasting and worshipping God plays a very important role in any person’s life. Along with bringing positive results, fasting and worshipping God also brings mental peace and happiness in life. It would be beneficial for natives of number 5 if they:

  • Worship Lakshmi.
  • They should keep an idol or picture of Lakshmi in their house.
  • They must start their routine only after paying obeisance to
  • They must fast on a full moon.
  • They must fast on Sunday and avoid taking salt on that day.

Unhealthy Months and Years for Natives of Number 5

Along with lucky months and lucky times comes somewhat unhealthy times too. The natives of number 5 will find notable changes in their 14th, 23rd, 41st and 50th years. They must guard against ill-health and overwork in June, September and December. If the remedies are followed properly, the negative impacts of unhealthy months and years can be minimized. So natives must not worry much and instead follow the remedies properly and have faith and worship God with true faith, and all the ill effects can be minimized.

Lucky Metal for Natives of Number 5 in Numerology

The lucky metal for natives of number 5 is gold. If the natives of number 5 wear or keep gold with them, it can bring luck and positive results. So it is mainly advised to keep gold with them.

Further Reading :

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